Chapter 17: Rude much?

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As promised, here's a chapter on a Wednesday! Next one coming Sunday:)

Josh's POV

"Good luck!" Chloe had said to me before we went out different ways.

"Sure. You too." I tried being genuine as I continued walking to the pizza place.

The amazing aroma of pizza called out to me as I neared the restaurant.

Maybe working here won't be so bad.

Keep dreaming and it might not be. My conscience butts in.

Not letting it ruin my good mood, I walk into the little store. Inside everything is somewhat crazy yet quiet.

People in the small kitchen area run around doing different jobs. Parents, kids, and couples enjoy pizza in the small dining area. Servers quietly run around serving them.

I inhale in and walk to the slick white counter.

"Hey. I'm here for the job thing?"

"Ah-ah yyeeaa...I'm ah...Bri..." The brown haired girl working the counter sighs dreamily.

"Good to know..butttt I didn't ask for your name. Do you remember what I asked for?" I smirk at her.

"Umm...Ooo the job!" She blurts out, finally remembering.

"Yes!" I play enthusiasm for her sake.

"Ok..." She leans over the counter more than she already was to get a closer look at me.

Gosh! Being famous is hard work.

"HEY PEOPLE!" I only meant to get the kitchen people's attention but ended up with the whole restaurant. "Can I please have a job?"

"Dan, show him his job." A bold old man snaps at someone.

"K." Dan answers. "Let's go." He opens the little door separating the kitchen from the entrance.

I make my way through the door to Dan. "Now what?"

"Nnooww," He emphasizes the word as if I'm stupid. "You grab those pizzas and follow me."

"Why can't you grab them?" I ask.

He has two working hands he can do it, Plus pizza boxes are usually greasy and I'm so not in the mood for greasy fingers today.

"Because that's your job." He spits.

Rude much?

"Fine." I shrug not wanting to start a fight with the prick and pick up the dumb boxes.

"Thank you." He heaves a huge breath as if the minute his spent with me has tired him out.

Dan leads me to the back of the kitchen and through a little side door to something that I'm guessing is supposed to represent a car.

The 'thing' is plain white and totally hideous. The words 'Dominos pizza' are spelled in big green letters on the side of it. A little sign/poster? thing is on top of the car and it too spells Dominos pizza.

"Get in." Dan commands me as if I'm a dog.

"Excuse me?" I'm no dog; if you haven't noticed.

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