Chapter 16: Sure. You to.

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Chloe's POV

Starting school in a sea of almost all Americans that hate you would be hard pretty hard for most people, but you already know I'm not like most people.

The first week of college was actually pretty easy and fun for me.

I hung out with Tiff during math, Lucas and Fiona doing lunch, and Ryan doing history: after he finally decided to show up to class anyways.

After school everyday, what did I do?

Nothing. That's what.

Josh and I didn't really talk much.

He wasn't that rude or anything, he just tried to avoid me as much as possible, which by the way wasn't very much avoiding since we share a 4 room apartment (bathroom and kitchen included!)

When we bumped into each - that was basically every time one of us left our room - he either completely ignored or snapped at me.

So all in all, life was ok during that three day week of school.

Josh and I only have classes for three days (Monday,Tuesday and Wednesday), so that means today we're free, making it the perfect day to start our jobs and for E.T. to bore us with his first day of job speech.

Giving speeches isn't the guy's best talent that's for sure.

E.T.: Chloe, I know you'll do great at your job so my advice is: Do great.

E.T.: Josh, you on the other hand? I took the time to pay someone to write you the rules on how to be a nice, polite person:) I'll give you the book the next time I see you.

Josh: Gee thanks!

E.T.: Welcome:) Chloe your shifts are from 11am to 2pm, 3:30pm to 7:30pm.

E.T.:Josh your shifts are from 11:30am to 2:30pm and 3pm to 7pm. Both you guys work Monday through Friday night.

E.T.: You can work extra shifts if you need money. And that's all. Your jobs are only a few hours from here so you can walk, though you might want to think about buying a car in the near future.

Josh: Good to know. When do we start working?

E.T.: In an hour. Pay attention boy!


"Good luck." I smile at Josh, interrupting the awkward silence.

He and I are walking to our jobs. We have traveled the same paths for two blocks, before I turn left and he goes on straight.

"Sure. You to." He gives me a tight closed lip grin and continues walking.

Believe it or not, that's the longest sentence he has said to me all week.

It's so sad that sometimes I think I preferred it more when he was snappy, because at least he talked to me.

Opening the door to my first real job, I stumble in to see what new experience awaits me.

The restaurant is definitely not 5 star worthy, but it's way better than what I've seen in my one and a half week of being normal.

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