||Benedict Cumberbatch||

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"Pull the hair on my head the wrong way, and I would be on my knees begging for mercy. I have very sensitive follicles."


"Looking for happiness is a sure way to sadness, I think. You have to take each moment as it comes."


"Mystique is rare now, isn't it? There aren't that many enigmas in this modern world."


"I always seem to be cast as slightly wan, ethereal, troubled intellectuals or physically ambivalent bad lovers. But I'm here to tell you I'm quite the opposite in real life. In fact I'm a f**king fantastic lover."


"There's no shame in stealing - any actor who says he doesn't is lying. You steal from everything."


"I suppose my bodily proportions are quite flattering. I'm ripped, doing something I wouldn't normally do with my body, or having done to it, involving Watson."



"Enjoy the journey of life and not just the endgame. I'm also a great believer in treating others as you would like to be treated."


"I like to think that we're revolving on this planet and revolving through the galaxy. I love having context that's so much bigger than I can fathom. It's fantastic to realise how insignificant you are."


"Our daily lives are so mundane, we get taken over by what is immediately in front of us and we don't see beyond that."


"Any irrational fears?no, i'm quite a rationalist. i'm not superstitious, i think life is too full of natural wonders and logical complexities to worry about illogical things."

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