Chapter Two

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Since the city was under curfew and Luka wouldn't let me watch the news, we stayed inside for the rest of the day. For dinner Luka made cheesy pasta with ground beef mixed and we had steamed carrots and peas, which I hated, but Luka always made me eat my vegetables. He was really good at cooking actually, not so good at cleaning dishes though. Meaning after dinner I got stuck with the damn dishes.

"Hey Raven, I'm going smoke on the fire escape, the rain finally stopped." Luka called from the living room.

"Okay, put a shirt on!" I called back.

"Okay, mom." He laughed sarcastically.

I heard him shuffle around then open the window, and I continued to wash the dishes. I heard sirens going off, and paused. I rinsed my hands and cut the water, listening closely. There was shouting so I ran out of the kitchen and jumped onto the fire escape with Luka. "Luka, let's get inside!" I shouted in a hushed tone.

He put his arm out, pushing me back.My eyes widened, and he was frozen staring down. The building across from us was on fire, and in front of it other than hundreds of people around them, was Joker and The Bat! Holy fucking shit. Joker had a machine gun, and Batman had a handgun. They began to fight while Luka and I watched, unable to move. Luka had his arm out still, but I was next to him holding onto the hem of his shirt. I realized he had a gun in his waistband. Of course, Luka stays armed at all times, there's even a gun in the bathroom.

Batman lunged at The Joker and he began laughing like a maniac. It was just this loud, uncontrollable laughter. Then the next thing that happened killed me, not literally, though truly I wish it had. Batman put the gun to The Jokers head and then Joker grabbed his arm and it aimed right at us. BOOM.

Luka turned to me with wide eyes, and I looked back at him.

"LUKA!" I screamed, I didn't even have a moment to react, he fell to the floor of the fire escape.

I fell to my knees and everything went quiet except for the sirens, but they seemed to fade to the back of my mind. "Luka, stay with me okay!" I begged as he looked up at me. His white shirt suddenly crimson red, and I pressed down on his stomach trying to stop the bleeding. "Luka stay with me; you're going to be okay. Please, please, please..." I begged continuously.

"Rav-Raven," he coughed, blood spilling out of his mouth. "I love you."

"I love you too, please stay with me, please Luka you're all I have, please don't leave me!" I cried, my tears making a waterfall down my cheek.

With another cough he stared up blankly, and he was gone. My tears came harsher and I couldn't stop but my sobs turned into laughs, uncontrollable laughter... I grabbed his gun out of his waistband of his pants and stood up.

I was laughing and I screamed down,"I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU BATMAN."

I began shooting down at him, and The Joker began laughing and was also shooting at him. Batman fled, the same as everyone around them had moments after the shot that killed Luka was fired. "RUN BATMAN, I'LL FIND YOU, AND I WILL KILL ANYONE AND EVERYONE YOU CARE ABOUT, I'LL MAKE YOU WATCH!" I laughed and knelled back down until my laughs turned into sobs again. I cried on Lukas chest for what felt like hours. I called 911, and they took him to the morgue immediately because he was pronounced dead on sight.

I rushed into my room still crying, I grabbed a picture of Luka and I, and a bottle of vodka, then stormed up to the top of the building. It had started raining again. Instead of a drizzled it was pouring down, and I wasn't sure whether my clothes were soaked from the rain or my tears. Luka was the only family I had, I never had a boyfriend because I knew I had found my soulmate, the one person who would never leave me and now he's gone. HE'S FUCKING GONE AND I'M ALL ALONE AGAIN! I started crying harder, I had reached the top of the building and I stared down at ground below and at the building still on fire. Burn. I hope this whole city burns! I downed half the bottle, and looked down at the picture of Luka and I, his smile, his bright blue eyes, his dimples. He was my fucking brother! I stood up looking down. I can't live without Luka, I need him. I need to be with him, he is all I have! I stood on the very edge of the building, closed my eyes, and jumped. It took me a second to realize I hadn't fell. I opened my eyes confused. A pale arm littered with tattoos was wrapped around me.

I turned around to see the figure that had kept me from my death. I would have freaked out, been scared, or even kind of excited if I hadn't been so pissed and torn up inside. His blue/green eyes stared at me, his red lips positioned in a wide smile, his messy green hair wet from the rain, his white shirt under a black and purple blazer clung to his body. "You're The- what do you want Joker?" I asked defeated, pushing past him, picking up the bottle of vodka and taking a big swig.

"You, actually, dollface. I see we have a common enemy. Your newly found passion to kill Batman and everyone he loves is exactly what I need." He laughed maniacally.

"Why'd you stop me from jumping, I mean." I restated dully, taking another chug of alcohol staring at the ground.

"Well we can't kill Batman if you're dead now can we?" He laughed.

"Kill him yourself, and let me end my own misery, Clown." I said with a sigh looking down still.

He walked up to me, grabbing my face hard with his hand. He made me look up at him. "I said," He went from talking to screaming at me, but I didn't even flinch. "I WANT YOU, SO YOU WILL DO WHAT I SAY!"

"What are you going to do? Kill me? Please do. Torture me? Fucking do it. Kill my family? I have none."I stared deep into his soulless eyes and started laughing, the rain hitting us both, it was cold and felt like bullets on my skin.

I could see something in his eyes. I saw it in Superman's eyes the day I met him. The Joker pitied me. That was hilarious to me, The Joker himself felt bad for me!

He looked into my eyes seriously. That goes completely against his name but okay. "Do you want Batman to pay for what he did to your little friend? Or do you want to just let him go? We need to make him pay!"

I laughed cynically. "You don't give a fuck about me or what happened to Luka. You only care about yourself, Red Hood." I spat.

He slapped me, and grabbed me by the throat. "What do you know about Red Hood?" He spat at me, his nose almost touching my own.

"I know you're him." I spat back.

"And how's that." he snarled grasping my neck harder, causing me to gasp.

"Because I watched the news. It was obvious and honestly, how could I not. It was pathetic. You jump into a vat of acid just to get away from the fucking bat? You're pathetic." I choked out with a forced laugh filled with venom.

The last thing I remember was The Jokers laugh followed by a growl and then everything else went black.

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