Chapter Twenty-Six

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I pulled a sweater out of my bag and slipped it on over the tank top I had worn from this morning. The spring, as beautiful as it was, was deceitful at best. The warm day, followed by a cold night. The wind continued on as I balled up on the curb where I sat, waiting for the Joker. People passed by, none really paying much attention to me. Considering the neighborhood, I was surprised nobody has tried to mug me yet. Though, with the Jokers connection to this place, and well known fondness over me, it was doubtful that anyone could be that stupid. Given the Joker's infamous reputation and violent tendencies I couldn't help but feel safe, knowing I was on his good side, and yet I remembered what he did to that blonde girl, Harley I think it was. How he just killed her, no hesitation.

Another shiver ran down my spine, not because of the weather; I heard the rev of an engine, and saw bright headlights speeding towards me. I stood up, and stepped back for a second as the Clown Prince's metallic purple Lamborghini halted to a stop before me. I sank into my oversized sweater, suddenly intimidated by him as he exited the car from the driver's side and hastily paced towards me.

My back was pressed against the closed gate to the amusement park that was clearly past hours. He walked into me, his body pressed against mine as he clutched the bars of the gate on either side of my head. His warm breath was visible through the cold air, even though the only source of light was the single flickering street lamp that I sat next to earlier.

"H-hi..." I shuttered.

He grinned widely at me, "Aren't ya gonna give daddy a hug?"

Hmm.... Alright, I can play if it gets me what I want. Plus, I am cold... and he's so... hot...

I smiled up at him and wrapped my arms around him, burying my cold face into his chest. He was wearing one of those purple blazers with no shirt underneath, his cold chains and rings, his hair was even slicked back.

He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer into him, "Mmm, baby you must be freezing."

I pulled my face out of his chest and nodded at him with an innocent frown. He tilted his head slightly to the left and placed his left hand over my mouth. My frown now turned into the wide smile tattooed onto J's hand. I looked down gently at his hand and then back up to him, batting my lashes, a smile appearing on my face as he removed his hand. He smiled, and quickly picked me up in his arms bridal style and carried me to the car. He slid me into the passenger seat and took my bag, placing it into the trunk and hopping into the driver's side.

He looked over at me and I looked back at him through the veil of my redish-brown hair that looked black in the low light of the night. I curled up into a ball and gently closed my eyes as he began to drive, drifting off into a comfortable dream state.

The wind whipped through my hair as a small wave crashed at my feet. Two men, identical to each other grinned widely on either side of me. They were not twins though, but instead perfect parallels, they were the same person. Wrapped in the same ink, both with the same name and yet they aren't even who they think they are.

How is it that I know this though? Consciously, I am unaware of this knowledge but in this state, I know everything. It's as if I am a bucket and they are the waterfall, I can fill myself with their memories, no matter how far back, or suppressed, I know truths that they cannot even begin to understand and yet my own power is so raw and untapped its incomprehensible. Yet, who are these two versions of a single man. What does the ink print(ed) into their skin mean?

My feet planted into the sand, I turned to the one to my left.

"Who are you?"

"I am the Joker."

I turned to the other and repeated, "Who are you?"

"I am the Joker."

Yet, they were not really. The Joker, was one of many, and I knew this. How? I did not know, but I felt the knowledge course through me.


I heard a whisper, they both began to scream and collapsed.

Jason Todd!

A voice boomed from the sky, and yet it was an unknown source.

The two men who made one man were on the ground.

"NO! WE ARE JACK, I AM JACK NAIPER!" they cried out.

There was booming in the sky so intense that my heart began to match its pace, the world around me began to quake and crackle. The sea beyond us began to storm as waves washed through becoming more and more fierce.




They screamed together but then the earth stood still, the booming stopped and then there was laughter. I was in a pure white world. There was nothing around but suddenly the two men smiled at me. They each held a blade, and they laughed darkly. At the same time as if mirroring one another they took the blade to the corner of their mouth and sliced, carving a smile into their face, ear to ear.

"We are Jason Todd." They laughed together darkly.

"We are what he made us." They screamed, the world suddenly being pulled apart and a loud screeching noise brought me to my knees as I clenched my head tightly, trying to keep the sound out. Only I realized I could not... because the sound itself was coming........ from me.

Beautiful Sins (A Joker FanFic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang