Chapter Six

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I stood on top of the Al Ghul Headquarters, the center of the Al Ghul crime empire. In this building was a woman that Batman had loved. I knew he did because we've been watching them, making a list of every interaction he had, and even his true identity. Of course, most of the surveillance had been done by the Jokers goons, but they had led us here. I smiled widely, the 12 guards that had stood as protection on top this building were now dead, scattered about on the ground as The Joker and I laughed. "Have your guards made it downstairs yet?"

As if on que the door to the building opened and one of his goons had signaled us in. Joker smiled looking at me saying, "Looks like it, let's go, Dollface."

We stormed into the building, the Jokers goons had taken over, and batman had been tipped off. I laughed sinisterly as I was led into the room where Talia al Ghul had been tied to a metal chair. Her mouth hadn't been taped or covered, so that Batman could hear her pain. Batman had broken through the widow, taking out two of the twenty goons we had standing guard in the room. I stood behind Talia with one hand in her hair, pulling her head back and the other was holding a knife to her neck. Joker and ten guards stood in my protection, the other eight were fighting batman. Joker began to laughed maniacally.

Tears ran down Talia's face. "T-They killed my family..."

Her family... Just like Batman had killed mine... We had killed her entire family...

Batman stopped fighting, and looked to Talia. Through his mask his eyes expressed a deep sorrow and he spoke. "Raven the girl with no last name, an orphan from Metropolis, a runaway at the age of 15, only known family was an adopted brother, Luka Burke-"

"Don't you fucking speak his name, Wayne!" I spat hatefully.

"Listen, I do not kill innocents. It was an accident, the handguns I held, they were the Jokers, I disarmed him moments before the incident! You don't have to do this." He said calmly beginning to approach us, but everyone raised their guns. He put his hands up in defense and took a step back.

"Don't listen to 'em, Dollface. He killed your brother!" The Joker said looking at me, he seemed nervous.

Tears fell down my eyes and I laughed, a smile from ear to ear, "You aren't better than any of us Batman. You're worse in fact, you think you're so great, but you hide behind a mask. We're honest about who we are, and we take credit for our wrongs! You are pathetic." I spat, and with that I dug my blade into her neck and slowly slid it to the right.

He fell to his knees and I watched as tears welled up in his eyes, he didn't move, speak or make a noise. I knew that feeling, and I knew he was in shock. "Oh, but this is only the beginning."

I'm not sure if I thought that or said that, but all the voices in my head were screaming it. Jokers guffaw of a laugh flooded the room. He motioned over to Batman, flicking his hand and then running it through his messy green hair, "Cease him."

I looked down at what I had done, the voices still screaming inside my head. What was left of my humanity seemed to disappear, though I knew it was there, somewhere. I looked over to the Joker, the huge grin on his face as he itched his temple with his golden pistol. He was muttering something, I wasn't entirely sure what though, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to know. What I did know, was there are still a few people on my kill list, people I know Batman holds dear.

He isn't a killer; it was the Jokers fault.

He killed Luka, torture the next one!

Luka wouldn't want this!


"MAKE THEM STOP!" I screamed out, falling to the floor and clutching my head tightly.

I felt arms swoop around me, and I was pulled into someone's warm, firm, chest. I heard a chuckle in my ear, and warm breath. "Shhh, it's gonna be alright, Dollface, Daddy's gotcha."

"Make them stop, Daddy." I whimpered.

I felt him turn me in his arms, and pull me back into him. My legs wrapped around him, he leans in and kisses my right temple softly, and then my left. I smiled up at him weakly, putting the voices to the back of my mind when I look into his beautiful blue-green eyes. I leaned in and pecked his nose and giggled. A second later he stood, picking me up with him, and swing me around onto his back.

"Let's go home, Doll." He laughed, this time genuinely.

I rested my head on his shoulder as I held on tightly, and he carried me out of the room, to the elevator. He was smiling. Not a 'Joker' smile, just a smile.

"Joker?" I whisper, my head still on his shoulder, my lips close to his ear.

At this point we've walked out of the tall glassy building, it was cold out so I wrapped myself tighter around him. He wasn't even struggling to carry me!

"Mhm?" he sounded out as he bit his lip softly, by habit making me bite my own.

"I think I'm in love with you..." I said tiredly.

After a minute he replied, "I know."

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