Chapter Seventeen

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Sitting on the fire escape I drew the Gotham's skyline; I loved this city and all of its flaws. Gotham reminded me of myself, an orphan city for an orphan girl. Maybe that doesn't make sense to you, but if you knew the people of Gotham like I did, you would know that this is no place for a family. I had lived here for four years after I ran away from the orphanage in Metropolis. The thought of that orphanage made me shiver. I bit my lip, concentrating on the shading of where the sun didn't quite reach, and considering it was Gotham I always noted the darkness that held domain over it. I hear a clap of thunder, and look up. I felt a drop of something wet meet my forehead, and it began to drizzle. I sighed and closed my art book. I grabbed my supplies and put them in my backpack, tossing them back into the window of my apartment. I was on the third floor, of an old beat up apartment building in an old beat up neighborhood. It wasn't too bad considering I was a run away. I'm 19 years old now, and I work at a café in a slightly better part of town. It still got the occasional shoot up due to a random drive-by every now and then. Then there were the customers, we usually were the center of drug deals by night, and more civil criminal deals by day.

Following my bag back into the apartment, I shut the window. It was mid-October, the temperature changed with the days. Today is was warm, so we kept the air conditioner on. Luka was on the couch shirtless with his feet on the coffee table. I passed him pushing them off, and plopping down next to him. Stereotype does not apply to this boy. He was such a guy all the time. You actually can't even tell that he's gay without him telling you. But even still it's hard to believe, it's one of those things you have to see with your own eyes.

"What's up Pumpkin Pie?" he smiled over at me.

"I was drawing but it started raining." I frowned, grabbing the remote from him putting on the news.

"I was watching the game, Raven!" he opposed.

I paused, a sudden rush of Déjà vu came over me.

"Luka..." I started.


"Wait, sh!" I exclaimed.


"October 17, at 4:46pm, the infamous criminal mastermind known as 'Joker' or 'The Joker' escaped Arkham City Asylum. He was seen getting into a dark purple Lamborghini, followed by his goons. The government officials are issuing a city wide curfew effective immediately." The newsman stated calmly, suddenly his eyes widened and he nodded to the side. "This just in, the joker was seen racing through Old Gotham heading straight for Brentwood High School, he is said to be in possession of a flame thrower, and Grade A explosives!"

Luka took the remote and turned off the television. "You don't need to be watching that."

"Luka it's the news!" I protested.

"You have an unhealthy obsession with that man." He stated.

I paused and bit my lip; I couldn't shake this feeling. I had done this before, I had been here and we have had this conversation before. No, no, I'm going crazy, I convinced myself.

"I do not!" I insisted.

"Oh yeah?" he challenged and I nodded stubbornly as he stood.

He walked over to my room...

"LUKA DON'T GO INTO MY ROOOOOOOM!!" I exclaimed jumping off the sofa and chasing him. When I reached him he had swung the door open and switched on the light.

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