Chapter Sixteen

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We hadn't talked about his proposition for the last month or so, but I had seen him every day since then. I had been living with him, for 47 days now, and I am currently seven months pregnant for a villain who left me for some woman that takes advantage of her patients! I knew I would die soon, though I had felt slightly better since moving in with Bruce. My cancer advanced daily, but I knew I couldn't let go until the babies were born.

Bruce and I had become close over the last two months. He cared for me, and attended every doctor's appointment. He ate dinner with me every night, and even personally gave me my vitamins, rather than having Alfred do it. I hadn't seen much of Damien lately. He visits weekly though. Bruce tries to flirt sometimes, but I'm not really interested in that kind of relationship with him. I wasn't even sure why I was here. I wasn't sure why I humored his obsession with my children, it was slightly worrisome. Yet, I considered what he had to offer.

I decided to go see Bruce about his proposition. Oddly enough Alfred wasn't anywhere to be found, and the house seemed empty. I suspected that I would find him in his office; so I climbed the stairs slowly causing my body to ache, and I stopped for a second. I worked through the pain, continuing to climb the stairs. Once I reached the top of the stairs I took a deep breath and rested one of my hands on the curve of my back. Geez, I can't separate the pain of the cancer and the pain of the pregnancy anymore! I took small steps as sharp pains shot up my legs and into my lower back. By the time I reached his office door I desperately needed to rest, so I knocked on the door quickly. When there was no reply, I opened it anyway and collapsed on his leather sofa.

I'm too young for this shit. I sighed.

I took a moment to catch my breath, and sat up. Well, he wasn't in here. I bit my lip hard and stood up, as I turned to leave I stopped. Something familiar caught my eye. I turned back around, and walked over to Bruce's desk, placing one hand down on it to steady myself as I suddenly became dizzy. I quickly guided myself to the huge office chair behind the desk and sat, picking up a pile of black envelopes, bound by a rubber band. I noticed my name, in white ink.

What the hell... The Joker sent more letters? I felt a pang of sadness shoot through my chest, but I took a deep breath and calmed myself.

I opened the first desk drawer and immediately saw a silver letter opener shaped like a dagger, with the letter W incrusted into it. I used it to pop the rubber band, and quickly open the first letter.


I miss you so, hopefully my letters have been getting to you. My men have informed me you've been living with Bruce Wayne; it has hurt me greatly to know so. The voices are so awful without you here and I find my moments of sanity growing shorter by the day. I had my men search Pennyworth's apartment, and they found that the last letter you opened was the one I wrote in front of Harleen Quinzel to fool her into helping me escape, and not the ones after, which I explain to you that it was all an act. I hope you can forgive me. -J

What... Oh my god, I've been so blind! Why didn't I read those letters!?


I will escape in two months exactly. I am coming for you.

I opened the next one.

59 -J

The next:

58 -J

I opened them one after the next.

The second to last one said:

13 -J

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