Chapter Thirty

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The next day J was nowhere to be found; and Astrid didn't linger. She brought me breakfast, laid out an outfit, made my bed, and said she had other chores to complete. Of course, now I had her number and she said if I needed anything to call or text her.

I ate lunch outside but it was way too bright, which for some reason made me dizzy, so I came back in to lay down. My mind whirled and I needed tea desperately so I sent Astrid a text and waited.

I laid in my room for 45 minutes waiting, and frustration boiled within me. The blinds were open but I felt so weak from the sun that I wasn't sure I could walk over to them. I slid my arm from over my eyes and looked across to the open drapes and the window; I was almost blinded by the light.

I sat up, crisscross on the bed. After last night, I questioned if what Luka said had something to it. Maybe he wasn't insane. I looked down at my hands, and was almost blinded by the huge silver and diamond ring on my finger. I smiled lightly remembering J. I brought the ring to my lips for a second, but then slid it off my finger and placed it beside me. I looked down at my hands again and took a deep breath, my attempt at focusing. I shut my eyes and imagined what I wanted, darkness, I imagined the drapes closing and I opened my eyes. They were still open. I threw my hands in frustration, falling backwards onto the pillows when suddenly the room went almost completely dark. I sat up straight and immediately saw the drapes were closed; the only source of light was a lamp in the corner of the room.

I looked down at my hands in shock – did I really do that?

I bit my lip and focused on the lamp, and without closing my eyes imagined it turning off. I waited a second, and flicked my wrist at the lamp. It went out. I screamed, or squealed. Either way it was an inhuman sound that I didn't know I could make.

There was a knock at the door; I quickly slipped my ring back on. "Come in!"

The door opened and I was presented with a reminder of my original goal – to get to the other dimension. The Peacock walked in.

"Nifty powers you have there, love. The other Raven never got to explore them." He said, placing a silver platter on the table; the tea.

"Close the door." I said getting up, ignoring what he said.

I sat at the table and after he shut the door I motioned for him to join me. Which I noticed he had planned on, seeing as there were two cups.

"So," I said as he sat, "the 'parallel universe'?"

"What of it, love?" he asked sipping his tea.

"Are you from there?" I asked.

"Yes, the version of me from this dimension died along with my parents, but as the Joker himself did not me witness my death. That allowed me the freedom to travel unnoticed between these two parallel universes, and join the Jokers ranks." He explained.

"Why would you want to be in the Jokers 'ranks'?" I questioned.

"For you, of course." He smirked.

"I don't understand." I said quietly sipping my tea.

"It's kind of sad that so many people have to spell it out for you, love." He laughed. "You're special."

"Why? Because I can close drapes? Turn off a lamp with my mind? You can read minds! And apparently travel through dimensions!" I exclaimed.

"Universes." He corrected matter-o-factly.

"Same thing!" I said frustrated, rubbing my temples.

"It really isn't, and you should try meditating more." He paused. "Raven, you are magnificent. Your powers are unmatched, you just have to unlock them. You should go back to Luka, hear him out; there is more to it than you think, and I know you see it now."

He gestured to the drapes as he finished and stood, making his way to the door.

"Wait! I want to get back to the other universe, I want to get back to the kids." I said desperately.

"For you to do that, you'll need to know, understand, and accept the truth about yourself, Raven. There is a bigger picture. To protect your children, you'll need to come into your powers fully, there aren't any shortcuts; so don't even attempt to seek out the Lantern, you will do more harm than good." He said facing me again.

"They're in danger?" I said standing my heart beating harder.

"No, they are safe now. Bruce has them. The other Raven made a deal with him, he is taking care of them." He explained. "But be warned, darkness follows them."

He went for the door again and I stepped closer, I needed more answers. "I want to see them now!"

"You can't, you're not ready." He said quietly, facing the door, he paused holding the knob.

"Ready for what!?" I cried, my hands to my chest as I felt my heart race.

"All will reveal itself," he spoke in riddles but the next thing he said was very clear to me. "And Raven, you mustn't worry. You, much like your children, are in perfect health."

Then he was gone, and I was left alone. I collapsed to the floor, sobbing. My headache gone but a hole was left in my chest. I felt guilt knowing not only did I orphan my own children by not going with the Joker to begin with, but now they weren't even with their father. I made a deal with Bruce Wayne though? Why? Was he really the best option? How did the other me know him?

I knew I had to see Luka, and hear him out, but I dreaded it because I knew that even if he was speaking the truth, he had gone mad trying to piece it together. He wasn't the same. The weight of my health situation had been lifted off my chest, only to be replaced with the question of what I was going to do about J. He proposed to me! I wanted to marry him... I loved him; but with all that was going on between me possibly being half demon, and having powers, and now knowing my children were out there without a mother... It was a lot. But I knew if I talked to J about it maybe we could figure something out... maybe we could do it together... as a family...

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