Chapter Thirty-One

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Shortly after I finally calmed myself down I paced the room with my phone in my hand debating whether to call Joker, or not. The ring felt heavier on my finger now – how could I lie to J? The idea of it made my chest burn with guilt. I wrapped on of my arms around myself, and used the other to call him as I sat on the edge of the bed.

It rang a total of 4 times before he picked up. The sound of muffled screaming bled through the line, and I heard J chuckle before he brought the phone closer and spoke. "Hey there, dollface."

"Hey – are you busy?" I asked trying to make out what the background noise was.

It was a man screaming, and someone hit him; it made an 'oof!' sound and another muffled voice said for him to 'shut up'.

"I'm never too busy for you." He said deeply through the phone.

I was taken aback by that, and I shut my eyes as a shiver ran down my spine from his words.

"When are you coming home?" I say quietly into the phone.

He breathed deeply, and I heard him take the phone away from his mouth. His voice became muffled; I could still make out what he was saying though.

"I'm leaving, let me know what ya find out." He growled to someone.

"But boss-" the man started.


I flinched, realizing the situation know. He was torturing someone. My mind whirled... I remember something...

The Joker, he was standing over me... smiling... "Are you going to kill me?" I asked hopefully.

His grin widened, "You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

He took two metal things and fiddled with something too low for me to see, a charging sound zipped through the air. He laughed again while saying, "Oh no, I'm not gonna kill ya, I'm just gonna hurt ya, really, really bad." He rubbed the two metal prongs together and put them up to my temples. My right temple already sore for some reason I couldn't put my finger on but the situation was so familiar; Suddenly a wave of pain overcame me. I just looked up at the Joker. His smile wide his laugh echoing through the painful waves of electricity pulsing through my brain. I was screaming but the pain didn't hurt me, it was thrilling. The Joker's face began to become like my paintings, colors swirled around him, his smile seemed to get wider and wider until it was literally ear to ear. The world around us was purple and his green hair fell into his face and dripped onto me.

Suddenly I was back, time regained its pace, and my eyes shot open. I heard the Jokers voice clearly now. "Baby?"

I bit my lip as tears welled up in my eyes, I shut them and with an unsteady voice replied. "Yes?"

"Daddy'll be home soon." He said as softly as he could. "Are ya hurt? Something wrong?"

"No, I'm fine, just hurry." I lied.

"I'm on my way." He assured me.

The call ended, and I looked down at my phone blankly; Luka.

I had put a call block for his calls, and a mute on his texts, but there were hundreds of each. I chewed on my bottom lip as I sent him a text.

R: I miss you. I'm coming to see you soon.

It wasn't even a minute later that I got a reply.

L: Thank fuck. I miss you so much!!!

R: I'm sorry I left, I should've listened to you before, but I don't like that you were hanging out with Joseph. He's bad news.

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