Chapter Twenty-Seven

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            I gasped and sat up through a cold sweat. As my eyes struggled to adjust to the low light of the room, all I could hear was rain. I flinched at the sudden boom of thunder as I found my way out of the covers that tangled around my legs. Where was I? As I swung my feet over the side of the bed and my feet touched the cold floor I was reminded of the events of the previous day; still the memory of my dream took precedence. What did it even mean? Why did the name Jason Todd sound so familiar? I sighed, that other name... Jack Napier, I knew exactly who that was.

"Hello?" I called out, my throat felt sore, and dry. "J?"

I received no reply. As I stood I noted the weakness of my legs, and stumbled with my arms out trying to feel my way to a light switch. Each step caused a shiver down my spine that resonated in my lower back, the feeling was very eerie.

Another boom of thunder caused me to stumble forward, but I quickly caught myself by the grasp of a wall so I didn't fall. I navigated my hands against the wall I had caught myself on and found a switch. I flicked it upwards to reveal that I was alone. The room was huge, and looked very elegant. I bit my lip and wrapped my arms around myself, where the hell did the Joker bring me? This isn't the same house as before, is it?

I looked down to notice I wasn't in the same clothes as before. I was now in a black silk nightgown with spaghetti straps, and white lace along the v neck (that had way too much cleavage), and around the bottom, which hung over the middle of my thigh. My hair hung down my back in loose natural curls.

I struggled to keep my cool, but frustration threatened to consume me. "Joker!!" I shouted. No reply, again. I walked towards a door that seemed to be an exit, with the intention of finding J, but to my surprise as I approached it the knob jiggled, and the door began to open. I stopped in my tracks and watched as the door opened the rest of the way, expecting to see J, but to my surprise being greeted with the smile of a woman.

"Sorry it too such a long time for me to come up, ma'am. I was preparing your breakfast, the chef won't be in until lunch today." She said through a kind voice and British accent. "Treacherous storm we're having, itn'it?"

She walked past me in her classic French maid uniform, carrying a silver platter that matched her tamed locks; which were pulled back into a smooth sock bun under her frilly white mob cap. She placed the elegant silver platter on a fancy circle table set in the opposite corner of the room.

I mumbled an agreement towards the weather and she continued to set the table as I watched.

"Where is the Joker?" I questioned.

"The master is making arrangements around the estate, he has given me a set of tasks to keep you preoccupied for the day." She smiled at me. "Don't worry, tonight you will dine with him."

Estate? What the hell is going on? "Where are we exactly?"

"Well, between you and I, this will always be the Pennyworth Estate. But upon purchase the Master has named the estate after you, ma'am." She smiled back at me.

"A-after me?" I stuttered.

"Raven Napier Estates, yes ma'am."

As I sat down at the table I looked up at her in confusion. "Napier? That's not my last name..."

"Oh ma'am, pardon me." The woman gasped. "Please allow the master to answer your questions, I fear I'm just going to make a mess of the situation."

"What situation?" I ask quickly, "Who even are you?"

"My apologies, ma'am, I'm Astrid Gables. I'm your new handmaid." She curtseys.

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