Chapter Seven

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All around me was white, a beautiful white silk hung from my hips flowing down off of me like a waterfall. The top was snug and elegant, it fit the curve of my waist and pressed tightly on my flat stomach, lifting my breast up with its tight fit. It was strapless sweetheart style, with a diamond-thread design. Everything I saw was white, possibly due to the white veil that was clipped into my waist length auburn hair, but something was off, I was seeing myself from a third person view. Yet, I was different. My hair was a darker shade of purple. My skin was 6 shades lighter than my normal, caramel colored tan skin. I have always been unnaturally tan; I cannot place where it comes from not knowing the attributes to my genetic makeup. Even still, now my skin held a shade close to the pale, creamy, color of milk. The veil hung over my face, but I could still see my bright green eyes peering through them, but they slowly turned to a purple color; I was alone. I held a bouquet of purple and white roses.

I began walking forward, suddenly doors flung open. I was walking down an aisle, 25 pews lined on both sides of me. People were dressed in all black. Men, women, children crying. It was like a funeral, and yet an organ played "Here Comes the Bride" as I walked. I looked up, and saw the Joker. He was dressed in a purple tux, his hair slicked back and his arms crossed, a smile dread across his face. Laughter. It erupted in the room, everyone's sobs turning into a guffaw of laughter. I looked around, everyone was standing. All of them pointing at me and laughing, I saw myself, slowly walking. I was no longer in an elegant wedding gown, but instead a red and black jester's outfit. Instead of a veil, I wore a matching jester's hat. I looked back to the Joker, in front of me now he laughed psychotically. He took a blade from my belt, and put it in my hand. Holding my hand tightly he guided it. No matter how much I resisted he wouldn't let go, I watched as he made me slice his cheek open, one corner all the way to his cheek, and then the next exactly the same. His laughter echoing in my head. Getting louder, and louder. His laugh drowned out everything.

"Oh, Pumpkin. How you get yourself in these situations I will never understand." A voice said. One I had known but had almost forgotten in this instance. Luka.

"Luka? Where are we?" I asked out of confusion

"Open your eyes?" he laughed, he laughed in a way only he could.

Suddenly I realized my eyes were shut tightly. They opened, and light flooded into my sight. I was surrounded by white once again. I saw Luka in the corner and I tried to walk over to him but I realized I was chained by my ankles, to the floor. I struggling forward I fell to the floor, and it wasn't until I tried to get up that I realized my arms were folded into a straitjacket.

The Jokers voice rang in my ears, "Priceless."

I looked up, making it onto my knees. I saw the joker in the opposite corner, diagonal from me. It was a white padded room. He was talking to himself, moving within his own straitjacket.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

His attention turns to me as his head snaps up, as if he hadn't noticed me before

He laughed. "Oh hello, Raven."

"What do you mean, 'Priceless'?" I ask again.

He laughed to himself as if he had heard a funny joke. "Insanity has a price, unless you're insane."

My eyes widened, and he stood, the setting changed for the final time. He was suddenly below and I was on the fire escape. Wait, this was familiar, but my thoughts were fuzzy. He was struggling with Batman again, but it was different now. Batman held a gun and the Joker walked up to him, he grabbed his arm, though Batman wasn't moving. He looked up at me, smiled, aimed it, and the gun shot from Batman's hand. It was then that I realized two things. One, I was still in a straitjacket, and two, once again, I couldn't save Luka.

I woke up, and sat straight up gasping for air. I felt like I couldn't breathe, like something had sat on my lungs. I was in the Joker's bedroom, he was not. I got out of bed and looked around the house for him, but he was gone. I was alone. I decided to take this chance to see Batman. Plus, what better way to torture him then to talk his ear off? I got dressed in a black T-Shirt that said Princess Bitch in bold pink letters and a pair of black shorts. I left my hair down, so it hung down my back.

I walked downstairs once more but this time Joker was there. So much for talking to fuck-face. I kind of didn't want to see the Joker right now, so when he spoke to me I was hesitant.

"I see you're awake." He spat.

Oh, this was actually perfect.

"Sadly, you are too." I narrowed my eyes at him.

He stood up and snarled. He walked up to me, pulling his hand back and my lip curled up, I was disgusted by him right now. Before he had the chance to hit me I walked up to him, and pushed him hard.

He stumbled backward and laughed sadistically, coming off as a growl as he said. "You're going to get it this time."

He came at me pushing me into the wall, but as he pinned me I hitched my knee up and he stumbled back again momentarily stunned. I took this opportunity to slap him across the face as hard as I possibly could. This of course only made him angrier, but it was worth it. He stood up straight now, and raised his hand, pulling it back and slapping me so hard I fell on my ass. He kicked me in the stomach while I was down, and I chanced it by grabbing onto his foot, and causing him to fall back, I coughed out painfully. I crawled on top of him ignoring the pain in my abdomen, and pinning him to the ground. I looked down at him with a curled lip, "You disgust me."

He looked up at me now with a new look in his eyes. "Do I?"

He lifted his neck to bring his face closer to mine, and I looked down at him, our faces inches apart. "Yes." I said through my teeth, staring into his watered down green/blue eyes.

"That's too bad, I was just starting to like you." He laughed humorously. "I guess you'll just have to die."

I recognized his threat, but I was so close to him, and he was so warm.

God, I hate him, but fuck, I love him.

I lowered my face closer to his and our lips brushed, they were practically touching. "I hate you."

He growled and suddenly he was on top of me. Our roles were now reversed, he had me pinned. Our faces the same distance apart, our lips touching. "You love me." He stated huskily.

His lips crashed into mine, and suddenly we were at war. I honestly think we were trying to kill each other subconsciously. We put holes in walls, we broke tables, we destroyed at least seven paintings; I knew I loved him, but it felt so good to hate him.

When he collapsed on top of me I decided that he didn't disgust me. I disgusted myself.

He flipped us so I was laying on top of him with my head on his chest. He gently ran his fingers through my hair. He traced his fingers down my spine and I smiled. He kissed my shoulder and I looked up at him with a wide smile.

He smiled back at me and then it disappeared. "I need you to come somewhere with me tonight."

"Okay." I replied.

"No..." he paused. "I need you to understand what I'm saying and I don't want you to say anything. I'm going to give you three choices tonight, and it will change your life forever, understand?" he asked seriously looking down at me.

I nodded. I wonder what it is...

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