Chapter Twelve

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I had been in a coma for three weeks, though I hadn't missed much. The Joker hadn't done any heists or crime at all really; well, not counting killing the entire crew of Jesus Hernandez, yet the man himself got away with a bullet in the back and no trace. I was in the car with Joker, but something was off, he was off. I stared at him from the tan/white leather passenger seat of his purple lambo, he looked overwhelmed. It seemed like he didn't know how to feel. I was positioned sideways in the seat, my knees to my chest, my arm propped up on one and holding my chin up. The other hung low around my other knee. It was hard to sit this way considering Joker demanded I wear a seat-belt, that was one thing surly off about him, the second this is that he was doing the speed limit, other than that it freaked me out that he wasn't smoking or drinking, and he seemed focused on the road. This was unlike him. We weren't going the normal way to get back to his mansion in Arkham, but instead we went to the better part of the city, which is actually just outside of Gotham. Where was he taking me?

I bit my lip and asked curiously. "What did you do with Batman?"

"You'll see." He muttered out quietly, eyes still focused on the dark road.

"Are you okay?" I asked again, concerned.

"I'm fine." He sighed. "We're almost there, doll, no need for ya to start getting antsy."

"I'm not." I laughed to myself, but I was genuinely concerned. I reached out my arm and placed it on his arm, right above his elbow. Of course that arm was the one he was using to drive so he reached over with his other hand and held it. He stole a sideways glance at me and smiled lightly. He lifted my hand up to his red lips, they seemed less chapped now since he had been biting them, obviously he had something on his mind.

"I'm glad you're back, Raven." He said softly, looking at me again, but the suddenly back at the road as he clenched his jaw tightly. "We're here."

I wondered if he was angry with me, but as I observed I noticed he restrained his violent tendencies. I wouldn't ask if he was okay, because I knew he wouldn't tell me but then I remembered that in the hospital he said that we needed to talk to me about something... I decided against asking because that too, I didn't want to further irritate him.

We pulled into a long brick driveway, there were no other houses for miles which was the same length of the golden 8-foot-tall elegant gates that we just passed through. Everything inside the gates were perfectly gardened, the bushes, the grass, the trees the flowers. The ponds even seemed well maintained, even though it was hard to see because of the set sun, but the moon cast a faint glow that helped me see the gist of it all. A few minutes later we were in front a beautiful three story mansion. It was white with gold accents. It seemed too domestic to belong to the Joker. As we pulled up, before a pair of grand, high arched double doors they opened. Two men in suits stood before the door, one held it open. It was an older gentleman, and the other walked down the 12 wide set stair and opened the car door for me. As I got out the Joker was immediately at my side. The man who opened the car door for me was younger than the other, but surely older than the Joker. The Joker lifted me, even though I no longer felt weak at the legs, but I was still overcome with pain and stiffness. He carried me up the stairs and into the house and then up two more sets of stairs. I barely got to see the house but it was gorgeous from what I could tell. The floors were marble, the walls were elegantly painted, the ceilings were high and they held brilliant arches. The house was nothing short of excessive. This seemed to be the sort of place with two kitchens, and multiple libraries. I half expected to see an old British woman in a maid's outfit giving the Joker "back talk" about her chores, and then apologizing to me and offering to make 'a spot of tea'. Maybe I'm a little too wild with my imagination though. At the end of the hall there was a hug door, and it required a code or thumb print to get in. The Joker swiped his finger and the lock shifted; he opened the door to a beautiful apartment like room. There was a love seat and sofa when we first walked in, and this is where he set me down. There was a large TV in front of that, and a coffee table in front of that. This room opened into a medium sized kitchen with all the necessities and what not. There was a breakfast bar and also a table. There was a bathroom attached to the kitchen and then a door leading to a small hallway. The Joker had disappeared after he set me down.

"Hey, Joker?" I called out.

"Yeah, Doll?" he called back.

"Is this the only kitchen in the house?" I asked.

"No, why is there something wrong with it, Princess?" he called back.

Ha! I knew it!

"Nah, just wondering." I walked through it to find two more doors. The first one led to a small art studio and I suppressed an excited squeal. Then I went to the next one, it revealed a huge bedroom, with a bed big enough for 15 people! There was an IPod dock in this room and I think the kitchen and living room too, with speakers connected throughout the house. There was a connected bathroom and closet to this room too. All my clothes were here.

The Joker appeared in this room. He looked over at me softly and pulled me into him. He wrapped his arms around me tightly and didn't let go. I wrapped my arms around him as well and stayed there for a moment, accepting his warmth.

"Joker, what's wrong? What did you want me to talk to you about?" I asked, pulling away.

He sighed and sat on the bed taking his face in his hands for a moment, and then continued on to run them through his already messy hair. "Sit down."

I did as he said, sitting next to him, utterly perplexed. He stared deep into my eyes.

"I have good news, and bad news." He said sadly. I could tell he was straining to keep from crying, but he failed as the tears welled up in his eyes and rolled down his cheek, but he did not sob. He kept a straight face, and a strained voice.

"Tell me." I whispered quietly, taking his hand in mine. "It's okay just tell me."

"The good news is they had to take a blood test when you were admitted. Well, I guess in a way it's both good and bad news. Raven, you're pregnant." He paused, and I sat there in shock.

"What?" I paused and tears came to my eyes, but I smiled. "That's good news though isn't it?"

"The bad news is you both might die." He paused and took my face in his hand. I was confused, what did he mean? How? A million questions ran through my mind until through his tears he took a deep breath and said something that would change everything. Three words that changed everything.

"You have cancer."

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