Chapter Nine

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Clouds, I was floating. Light and darkness clashed, fading in and out as I struggled to lift my eyelids. Green, I saw green in my head. Green hair, and a pale face. I saw red lips and light eyes, but when I opened my eyes I saw nothing. Laughter echoed in my head, who was this person with green hair?

The Joker.

It was the Joker; why couldn't I remember?

Why can't I remember the color of his eyes? The warmth of his touch...

What did the tattoo on his jaw say...? I can't... I can't... Remember.... Wait who was this again? Jouster? Jester?

It's The Joker! Don't forget him!

But it was too late. He was faded, his tattoos smeared. His eyes vague colorless blobs. His pale skin seemed pink, his once green hair was now gray-blue but I couldn't make out the color even if I tried. And I did try. I tried to make out his smile by his red lips but they now faded to gray as well. As for the man, I wasn't sure who the man was, honestly. I couldn't remember.

I gasped, my eyes fluttered open. Everything was blurry and my head and heart were pounding. I squeezed my eyes shut tightly and opened them again, this time everything was clear but I felt lightheaded. I lifted myself into a sitting position with my arms only to find that my body was extremely weak. Where am I?

Scanning the dimly lit room I noticed something peculiar. I felt my breath hitch and I didn't move an inch. There was a man, sitting in a chair, facing towards me. His eyes were shut, and he seemed to be sleeping, somewhat uncomfortably. I relaxed when I realized he was sleeping, but unease settled in my stomach. He was beautiful. His skin was tan, like caramel, but light as if he was mixed with something. He had long black eyelashes that settled on his lower-lid as his eyes moved back and forth underneath his closed top-lid. The top of his head had dark brown or black hair mostly slicked back, but a few stray pieces fell over his forehead and just above his eye. The sides were shaved. His muscular arms were somewhat exposed due to the sleeves of a hoodie being rolled up. He had tattoos all over, including one on his jaw and just above his perfectly shaped, thick eyebrows.

I decided to try to get away, and since he was sleeping it may take some effort to be quiet. I couldn't wait, so I pushed the thick cover off of my apparently bare legs, and swung them over the side of the bed, quietly. It wouldn't take much to wake him, I decided. So, I was extra careful. I lightly pressed my feet to the floor, not fully standing, so I could check for creaky floor-boards. Sure enough, as I placed my foot to the floor there was an echoed creek, and his eyes shot opened. Fuck.

He looked dead at me, but didn't say anything. His eyes were a beautiful honey brown. My cheeks suddenly felt hot. He didn't look mean, just alert. His face looked hard but his eyes look at me softly. His plump lips parted slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't. I decided he wasn't bad, so I spoke, but maintained a soft, but steady voice in case I was wrong. "Where am I?"

He put his hand over his mouth, and left it there, rubbing his fingers downwards over his smooth face. He studied me, and I didn't move. I barely breathed until he answered me. "A hospital."

I furrowed my brow looking around the darkly colored room and laughed to myself, then replied. "It doesn't look like one."

He chuckled. "It's not a normal hospital. It's a very old, very expensive hospital. You were in a coma."

I furrowed my brow again, "Wait..."

His smile faded, as if he was worried about something.

"Who am I?" I trailed off. I realized I didn't even know my own name, I couldn't remember anything except that dream I had and... well this very moment.

He laughed awkwardly, and scratched the back of his neck. "Well, your name is Hannah Foster, you're 18, you'll be 19 in October, you like swedish-fish candy, jelly beans, gummy bears/worms and you hate old people."

I furrowed my brow deeper. "Who are you?"

He smiled lightly. "I'm Mateo Cortes. I'm 23, I like cars, books, guns, and you."

My cheeks became hot again suddenly. "Uh..." I looked down at my bare legs, avoiding eye contact. "What do you hate?"

"People." He said seriously.

I bit my lip and looked up at him. "A-are we..."

"Together?" he asked painfully, he looked away with a clenched jaw. "I wish."

I raised an eyebrow and looked up more confidently. His voice had a slight accent, and it was beautiful. His voice was like velvet, so smooth and soft, yet strong and assertive. "When can I leave this place?"

"Whenever you would like, mi princessa." He replied smoothly.

I pushed myself off the bed and onto my feet, instantly regretting that decision when I lost my balance and fell. Luckily Mateo jumped to his feet, and caught me before I hit the ground. My legs were as weak as my arms, and I felt dizzy like the entire world was a snow-globe and an angry child was shaking it and turning it upside down. I felt his warm body against mine, he held me up. I felt him lift me up and suddenly he was holding me bridal style. I looked up at him, but he didn't meet my gaze. My nose grazed his adams-apple and the warmth shot through me. I closed my eyes tightly and let him carry me. I buried my face into the warmth of his neck and before soon we were outside.

He was still.

"Hannah." He said quietly, it was almost a whisper.

I opened my eyes, we were outside in front of a black Mustang. "Sorry." I whispered.

He released me into the car, and he buckled the seatbelt. I smiled weakly up at him. He didn't move, his hand still on the buckle, his arm still around me, the other on the seat beside my leg, steadying him. He smiled at me softly, and leaned in I felt his warmth, it radiated off of him like he was the sun. I was the moon, cold, and I basked in him, the sun, as he is, and was. His warmth felt like it was the only thing keeping me alive at that point. I looked into his eyes as he got closer and his hand raised from the seat buckle, to my face. He held my face delicately, like I was porcelain. He leaned forward and pressed his lips gently against my forehead.

That was the last thing I remembered before everything went dark again.

"I'm coming for you, doll. Don't let go, Raven. Don't let go of me... Please..."

Beautiful Sins (A Joker FanFic)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum