Chapter Twenty

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As I was walking this guy just kept following, like I know I'm one sexy mother fucker but c'mon dude. I decided to make it fun, so I turned around and he walked into me. I took a step back and smirked, I quickly tapped his shoulder once, and turned around running, "Tag you're it!"

He growled and I heard his footsteps pounding on the sidewalk behind me. "Don't run away from me!"

I ran as fast as my legs would take me, and I could run pretty fast but still he was much taller; also he was pretty fast himself. He keeps calling me little girl, it reminded me of the night I'd spent with the Joker a few weeks ago. I had a plan, and yes it would be humiliating but I was a firm believer in YOLO. I suddenly tripped, falling on to my hands and knees. I heard him stop abruptly too.

"Ow!" I feigned a cry.

I heard him quickly catch up and lean down to me. "Oh, are you alright, mi princessa?"

I looked up at him, "It hurts."

I offered my scraped palms to him, and he looked down at them with a smile and back up at me. He took my hands gently in his and pressed his lips against them softly, never breaking eye contact. As he released my hand I instantly regretted making myself fall, okay just smile, get up and walk away.

I got up quickly and attempted to scurry away, but he grabbed me by the arm. My breathing hitched and I could feel the acid in my stomach rise up into my throat. "Let go of me!"

Suddenly the sound of a car's engine revved up, and exploded around us. I looked behind us to see a purple lambo coming towards us at dangerous speeds and suddenly stopping. A moment later both I and the sexy Puerto Rican dude were looking into the illegally "too" dark tinted glass. We could see inside but then the window rolled down. Music blared out of the speakers inside, something I hadn't noticed before due to the loud engine noise. Soon peered out a blonde girl with blue eyes. Her hair was stained blue and pink at the tips and she dressed in a slutty black and gold checkered dress. Next to her peered out a familiar face with bright green hair.

Oh look, everyone's favorite sour patch kid. First he's sour, then he's more sour. I wonder who the bimbo is as Joker gets out the car.

"Nice boy toy ya got here." He laughed humorlessly.

My eyes widened with fear as I looked at the guy and back to the Joker. Quickly deciding I was more afraid of the Joker than him I stepped back into his chest and allowed his arms to wrap around me. "This is my boyfriend."

"Oh is he now?" he smirked stepping closer. The blonde girl got out the car now and laid across the hood, propping herself up looking at us with humor in her eyes. This chick had to be coo coo for cocoa puffs.

"Yeah, I'm Joseph Jesus Hernandez." He said deeply, in a protective tone.

"She's my property, Hernandez." The Joker growled.

"Looks like you found another toy." I countered, partially hurt but more afraid.

"Oh Harley?" Joker chuckled. "She's a riot; Yet, so worthless. Unlike you."

I bit my lip. "Leave me alone, Joker."

"Come with daddy." He growled again, pulling out a gold pistol and pointing it at the man who I now knew as Joseph.

"Back the fuck off," Joseph shout, pulling out a gun and pointing it at the Jokers head. He pushed me behind him, but I clung to his side. "She's mine now."

The Joker laughed and turned around looking at Harley, walking over to he and looking at me the entire time. He began to kiss her, she, still being propped up on the car. He was between her legs now and he grinded against her, then a gun fired.

Blood was all over the hood of the car, and Harley laid lifeless the Joker still kissing her. He just killed her! He's still making out with her what the fuck!?

The girl was dead; he had pulled away but that hadn't stopped the tinge of jealousy in my heart or the wetness between my legs. I bit my lip and anticipated the worst as he turned back towards us, but he simply yanked Harley off the hood of his lambo, got back into it, and drove away.

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