Chapter Twenty-Eight

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                From what I learned of Astrid, I decided she was trustworthy. I felt a connection to her oddly enough; one I hadn't felt since I met Luka. With that thought however, I had put Luka back into my mind. Deep down I knew it made no sense. Why did I come back to J just because Luka was acting a little crazy? The Joker is literally the epitome of insanity. But the thing is... Luka wasn't insane before, I'd never seen him like that. I didn't know why he was like this, what triggered it - I didn't know what he was capable of. I didn't know what Luka was hiding and it scared me, I loved my brother, but I wasn't sure I could trust him. Not with Joseph Hernandez hanging around and manipulating him.

The Joker, I knew. I knew what he could do, what he has done. He had been like this the entirety of the time I had known him. I knew what made him this way; and for the weirdest and unknown reason, I trusted J.

After I bathed I changed into an outfit that Astrid had laid out for me. She surprisingly had good taste; she laid out a black, ripped, off the shoulder nirvana shirt, black & gray acid wash skinny jeans, and black combat boots. I wore my hair up in a messy bun. When I asked her how she knew my style, she just insisted it was her job. I suspected she was close to 70 years old; but she looked closer to her late 50's.

Astrid took me for a long tour of the estate. There was a large garden in the back, the land was so vast that Astrid had to tell me about the Gold fences that surrounded, because she couldn't show me on foot. The entirety of the grounds was well maintained, and the inside was even more impressive.

White marble, and dark hardwood floors alternated through the mansion. High vaulted ceilings and a grand staircase. It was impressive, and looked like it had recently been renovated for a more modern feel. This place must be worth millions, which made me question if the Joker bought it or if something darker was behind this. I internally questioned his intentions.

For lunch Astrid and I ate together; though she said it was inappropriate for her to eat with me, I insisted that it would make me feel better. It seemed to ease her mind, and she had the cook make us some shepherd's pie, with a side of peas, and toasted garlic bread. I have always hated vegetables, and Luka would make me eat them for my health, but he wasn't here so I mostly played with them while I waited for Astrid to finish eating.

"Don't play with your food, dear." She said sending a gentle smile my way. "I've never been one for vegetables either, but as you get older you begin to realize some things... well, you do them for the benefit, not the pleasure."

I smiled widely, she was so wise. She made me feel safe, she was not only maternal, but we had so much in common. "My friend Luka... well, he's really more of a brother, he would always make me eat my vegetables. Of course, I always hated them."

I looked down with distaste and scooped a spoonful of peas off my plate. "But when you put it that way I guess I have nothing to lose by eating them."

She smiled as I shoveled the spoonful of peas into my mouth and chewed. "Well, it's all in moderation. Plus, we do have to worry about your health, don't we?"

I swallowed, and as I went to take another spoonful into my mouth I stopped; looking at her solemnly I asked. "Are you referring to the cancer, that I may or may not have in this universe?"

She matched my expression, "I was notified in the briefing of your situation."

"So, you know everything?" I ask stiffly.

She nodded and lowered her eyes uncomfortably as two men took our plates away; and we were both startled as a somewhat British accent voiced itself in the room.

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