Chapter Two - Don't Believe Everything You Hear

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Beatrice POV

Susan turns to me as I take my seat next to her, looking down at the pencil in my hand. "Why did you ask him for a pencil? I have plenty," she says incredulously.

I roll the pencil between my fingers, thinking of his deep blue eyes, the small scar on his chin, and the freckles that lightly cross his nose. I look over to her, seeing her scandalized face, and roll my eyes. "Susan, stop worrying. It was just a pencil." I turn back to the stage, waiting for the principal to start the morning announcements.

She huffs out a breath, also looking toward the stage. "You know why he sits by himself, right?"

I slowly turn my whole body to Susan, upset that she simply believes the rumors without ever having bothered to check and see if the stories are really true. "Susan, I really don't want to hear about the rumors you've heard. It shouldn't matter what happened in his past. He deserves a chance to have a friend like everyone else, and no one has made an effort just because of some stupid rumor." I grab my things, keeping his pencil in my hand, and stand. "I'm going to be that friend to him."

I'm about to walk back to Tobias, when Susan grabs my arm. "Where are you going?" she hisses.

I look down at her and reply, my voice icy, "To sit with him. Even if he doesn't say anything, I want him to know I will be his friend when no one else will." I wrench my arm free of her grip. The other girls in our row give me scandalized looks.

"Beatrice, what will people say if they see you sitting with him?" Her face is full of worry.

"I really don't care what anyone has to say on the subject." I walk to the back to sit with Tobias, anger pulsing through my veins at Susan's words.

Several heads turn in my direction, but I hold my head high and sit down next to Tobias just as the principal walks to the podium. After a few moments, my heart rate returns to normal, the surge of anger dissipating. As the principal begins giving the morning announcements, I turn to look at Tobias, who continues to stare at his hands which rest in his lap.

I lean over, whispering so no one will hear, "You don't have to say anything. I just want you to know I'm here if you do." I swivel my eyes forward, but I see him turn his head slightly to me.

He keeps his voice low, so we don't get in trouble. "Trust me, Beatrice. You don't want to know me." He pauses, and I turn to see he is clenching his jaw, his eyes closed. I almost miss his next words, they are so low. "I'm dangerous."

Silence falls between us. Even with his words of warning, I don't feel like I'm in any peril. I actually feel safe in his presence. I continue to stay seated next to him until the principal releases us to go to our classes. Without another word, Tobias is out of his seat and out the door before anyone else has even stood.

I sigh, gathering my things slowly, and head toward my first class. While most would assume I'm trying to pull some elaborate prank, I honestly just want to get to know him. I've watched him trying his best to remain unnoticed, sticking to the shadows and the back of the classrooms, but he's actually one of the first people I noticed when my family moved here a few months ago. My father's law firm relocated here when more opportunities were coming from the city of Chicago than they were from Ohio, our former home.

I had heard the rumors of how his mother left several years ago, and that Tobias had turned into some kind of rebel as a result. I kept my distance and observed him just to be sure, but I just don't believe any of it. He's always quiet and polite to the teachers, keeps to himself, and his build doesn't suggest that he gets into fights often. He's tall but thin, like he hit a major growth spurt recently and his body has yet to catch up. His dark brown hair has a slight wave to it, but he keeps it fairly short. But his eyes are what have me bewitched. I really want to get closer to him and learn more about him; I'm just not sure if he is ever going to let me.

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