Chapter Fifteen - Games We Play

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Thank you to everyone who is reading, voting, following and commenting. I love reading what you guys have to say about my story so far, it really helps spur me forward and make this story the best that I think it can be.

Just wanted to give a heads up for Saturday. I'll be busy for most of the day, so don't panic that the chapter isn't up at it's regular time. I promise I will get it out that day.

And as always, thank you to the amazing, and wonderful Depecher for her awesomeness in helping me get this edited.

Tris' POV

It seems that before I can blink, it's already Saturday.  The last few days Tobias and I have spent going over more of my letters in greater detail, especially some of my adventures that I had forgotten about.  It often left him either upset with some of the things that I had to endure, especially being alone at Christmas, or having him holding his sides from all the laughing he was doing.  Especially when I told him about the time I walked in on my commanding officer and his new girlfriend, and how it was extremely awkward to look at either one of them over the last three weeks of that mission.

We briefly speculated that Marcus or my parents may have known someone at the telegram office if they were able to falsify the documents so completely.  I really didn't want to go into greater detail at the moment given how fresh their betrayal was.  Tobias respected that, dropping the subject, but I could see he wanted to discuss it further later. 

We then talked about how Tobias rose through the ranks quickly, especially given how willing he was to take on missions to forget his loss.  He didn't particularly want to discuss how careless he was with his life, but it also showed me how strong and brave he has truly become without being under the scornful eye of his father. 

Tobias went on to describe Eric, and how jealous he had been of Tobias since basic training.  Tobias always seemed to be slightly better at everything he tried, whereas Eric was just one step behind.  Recently being how well Tobias commanded his troops.  He said that while he felt he was heartless and cruel, he wasn't like his father, and insured that his troops were not only cared for, but also knew what was expected of them.  So that they knew they needed protect themselves as well as those around them.  While Eric was nothing short of heartless in his commanding; treating each man like he was expendable. 

I look over at Tobias as we travel the dirt road, unsure where he plans to take us tonight.  "So are we having another date night?  Please tell me we're breaking into a school somewhere."  I say with a giggle.

He begins laughing, briefly taking his eyes off the road.  "No, not quite." 

It's as we drive up to the guard post that I realize we're back on base.  "Why are we back here Tobias?  I thought you said we didn't have to work."  I'm slightly angry and hurt that our time is being interrupted.

Tobias starts laughing at my outburst.  "Calm down Tris.  I want to introduce you to a group of us that I thought you might like.  We meet on Saturday nights in one of the old barracks that Amar lets us use.  We call ourselves the Dauntless.  You'll see why."

"It sounds like some kind of boys' club."  I grumble.  Unsure if I want to be a part of this.

He smiles. "Sort of.  We are mostly a bunch of misfits for various reasons."

He doesn't elaborate anymore, even after I question him several more times.  We pull up to a small building on the outskirts of the base, and Tobias looks over giving me a crooked smile.  I can hear music coming from within, as well as muffled talking and laughing. 

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