Chapter Thirty - Seven - Hard Times

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Thank you to everyone for the birthday wishes and for reading, voting, following and commenting on my story.  I really couldn't ask for better readers.  

Thank you again to Depecher and BarbaraK2U for all your help with this story.  I can't thank you enough for all your help.  

Tris' POV

I stir the contents of the small pot, yawning widely. While it may only be six in the evening, I feel as if I've been up for three days straight. The extra work I've been doing has left me with little free time and even less time to sleep. I've been doing nearly all of my work in a daze, barely noticing the passage of time.

My deliveries are becoming harder and harder to accomplish with each passing day. I haven't gotten any messages mixed up yet, but I know it's only a matter of time; I'm going to slip if I don't stay vigilant during the deliveries. However, I just don't have the energy to focus on the task at hand and look for any potential threats — it's too hard to stay awake as it is.


I look over with tired eyes and see Evelyn standing in the doorway of the kitchen, wiping her hands on her bloodstained apron. She continues to wear the same haggard look that she's had for the past three weeks, ever since Lucien was moved back here; the dark circles under her eyes are only growing darker with each passing day. "Yes, Evelyn? Is everything ok?"

She nods her head slowly, coming over to me. "I wanted to check to see when dinner will be ready." She leans over my shoulder, peering into the pot. "I just finished changing Lucien's bandages, and he appears to finally be taking a turn in the right direction. Hopefully, he will be able to keep the soup down tonight."

I close my eyes briefly, feeling them start to water due to how dry they are, and give her a slight nod of understanding. Lucien has been so sick since coming back, and Evelyn has been doing everything in her power to keep his infection from getting worse. I open my eyes again, blinking the tears away, and look back into the pot. I scoop up one of the carrots and prod it with my finger to test its tenderness.

"The soup is done. Do you want me to give him just broth, or do you think he'll be able to handle some of the vegetables?" I ask, pulling a bowl from the cupboard.

Evelyn ponders for a moment as I dip the ladle into the pot. "Go ahead and give him a few vegetables. I'll mash them up with some bread, and maybe he'll be able to stomach that."

I pour mostly broth into the bowl, along with a few carrots and potatoes. I hand the bowl to Evelyn, and she takes it over to the table to place it on the small tray. I cut a few small pieces of day old bread and place the pieces next to the soup. Evelyn pours a glass of water, and retrieves Lucien's medicine that the medic sent home with him. She places everything on the tray and picks it up, heading toward her bedroom.

She stops in the doorway suddenly and turns to me, giving me a weary smile. "Thank you for doing as much as you have. I know it's been hard, but I can't begin to tell you how grateful I am to have you here."

She leaves before I can say anything in reply. I sigh, walking over to the stove to turn off the soup. I go to sit down at the table and lay my head in my arms, waiting for Claudette and Evelyn to come in to join me for their dinner.

I don't know if I'm going to be able to keep this up for much longer. Evelyn is so wrapped up in having to care for Lucien that nearly all the bread making for the entire village has fallen on my shoulders. Evelyn pitches in when she can, but I usually don't wake her unless I am desperate for the help. Lucien has needed around the clock care, and it has been just the two of us doing the work of five different people.

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