Chapter Seventeen - Unexpected Visitor

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Thanks to everyone for the votes, reads, follows, and comments. I love to hear what you guys have to say. Thanks and enjoy!

Thanks to Depecher for being awesome as usual. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have you helping. Oh yeah, it would be full of spelling errors and no leather jacket scenes. Thanks girl.

Tris' POV

I stare at the map, tracing the route with my finger.  Amar, George, Max and several other high ranking officials watch me memorize one of the more difficult routes they want to try later this month for Para trooping, occasionally asking a question or talking in hushed voices amongst themselves.  I see that part of the route comes extremely close to a civilian neighborhood.  While I don't think anything would happen, I would rather keep my route clear.

"George?  Did you mean for the route to come this close to this neighborhood here?"  Pointing to a spot on the map.

George leans over, looking at where I've indicated.  "Good eye Tris, and no, that should have curved here twenty degrees."  He begins making the necessary changes to the route, and I nod satisfied that I won't be going over civilian homes. 

Amar steps beside me, looking over the new route.  "Alright, Max will be going up with you today to review the route you showed me, the new route you and George just did, and to see firsthand your skills at flying and picking up targets.  I thought you did well yesterday, but he still would like to see for himself."  I nod, looking back to the map, memorizing the new route and when I should turn around to pick up the next round of men.

I hear the men begin discussing which squadron will be going first and I smirk when I hear that Tobias' men will have that honor given how well trained he has them.  They continue to discuss what squadrons will be going next based on their skills, and I begin pushing out their words, focusing on the map again. 

I feel a hand gently touch my shoulder.  "Tris?  Would you mind coming with me please?"

I look into Amar's face, and nod.  My mind begins racing as he leads me out the door leaving the other commanders to discuss their plans.  I keep trying to think of anything I might have done to upset anyone or a command I didn't follow, but I'm not coming up with anything.

Amar must sense my unease because he says, "You aren't in trouble.  At least, you haven't given me a reason to be upset."  He adds with a wink.

I smile, finally relaxing, following close beside Amar as we walk across the camp.

"I just need to get you measured."  He says casually. 

I stop in my tracks, "Beg your pardon?  Measured for what?"

He raises an eyebrow, "For your new chute.  It seems someone was rather adamant that you have one that fits." 

I smile widely.  It took Tobias less than twenty-four hours to ensure my safety.  I begin walking again, unable to keep the lightness out of my step.  "Tell Four I said thank you if you see him before me."

He nods, turning to give me small smile.  "Tris, while he is a great Master Sergeant, and he really knows how to command a group, he really cares about you."  I can't seem to keep the grin from my face at Amar's words, but then he stops, a serious look crossing his face.  "While this isn't necessarily a bad thing, you need to make sure he doesn't focus solely on you.  I know being without each other has been hard these last two years, but please just make sure he doesn't lose focus on everything else around him.  He needs to keep the men he commands safe too."

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