Chapter Fifty-Nine - Planning

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Thank you everyone for your continued patience.  If you didn't see my note, we will be moving on Friday, and possibly driving/moving on Saturday.  I don't know if internet when internet will be available to me, but when it does I'll let everyone know when the next chapter is coming.  Thank you again for all the kind words, reads, votes, follows, and comments. They mean so much to me.

Thank you so much to Depecher and BarbaraK2U for your amazing assistance and kinds words.  I really can't say it enough.  

Tobias' POV

I once again pore over the information that Tris was able to get yesterday, as well as the photos she took of Marcus' desk safe. The other agents left a little while ago, having not found much, but Andrew and I decided to keep going until Tris gets back, just in case something was overlooked. While I know she is trying so hard to get what she can, the information is trivial at best. It just won't be enough to truly get him and keep him behind bars.

However, what is twisting my stomach into knots over and over again is the damned safe. The picture keeps calling to me. Taunting me in every way possible. It's both a lock and a combination, and Marcus appears to be the only one with the key and combination. Tris said that she's never seen him leave his desk without the keys in hand. I know if we could just get inside that safe, everything would be over.

Andrew suddenly looks up from the papers strewn across the kitchen table, placing a firm hand on my shoulder. "Tobias, if you don't stop shaking your leg, you are going to bring down my kitchen."

My leg, which I didn't even realize was moving, abruptly stops. "Sorry, Andrew," I mumble as my eyes continue to scan the document carefully, checking the numbers again for anything out of the ordinary.

"You know she would never actually cheat on you," he says softly, placing the papers in front of him neatly back into a file.

I rub my face with my hands, leaning back in my chair. "I know that, Andrew, but do you know how hard it was to send my wife on a date with another man? Even though I know the reason for it, it doesn't make it any easier," I sigh. "Someone in his information circle is bound to let him know that she's with Matthew. That's all I can hope for."

Andrew sighs, leaning back in the chair. "What do we do about the safe?" Gesturing at the picture in front me, he knows there is nothing he can say to comfort me at this time.

I pull the picture back over, examining it closely. "I honestly don't know. I can pick a basic lock, but I wouldn't even know where to start with this." I run my finger over the lock in the picture. "I've talked to some special ops guys from Camp Lejeune on the phone, but I really had a difficult time understanding what they want me to do."

"When Matthew and Beatrice get back, maybe he'll have an idea. I think Beatrice is right. Most of the important numbers might be in that ledger," Andrew states calmly, as he pulls another file toward him. This file concerns the particular model of safe that Marcus has.

I sigh again, slouching lower into the chair. Rags stretches from his spot on the floor and comes over to lay his head on my thigh. I place my hand on his head and begin scratching his ears without even thinking. "I don't know what I'm going to do if we ever lose you, boy," I say softly. "I'm glad you got a chunk out of his leg."

Andrew snorts. "I'm surprised Marcus didn't try to call the police on him."

I shrug, not taking my eyes off the paper as I try to control the anger that swirls within me. "I have a feeling he is trying to give Tris a false sense of security. My guess is that he's hoping to have another chance at her, and he thinks he's found her weakness. He might try to get Rags out of the picture somehow, and then go after Tris again. That's probably why he didn't say anything," I state harshly, as my anger rises once more. "He also left a mark on her arm. He might be waiting to see if she says anything before he tries again."

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