Chapter Fifty-Five - New Mission

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Wow. I still can't believe how many people have read, voted, followed me, and commented on this story. I never thought this story would touch so many people. I just have to say this again, you are amazing readers and I can't thank you enough.

Thank you so much to my wonderful editors Depecher and BarbaraK2U. You two are truly amazing with your editing skills and the way you push me to my limit and beyond as a writer. Thank you. So much.

Tobias' POV

The atmosphere at the table is contagious, with laughter and smiles all around. Tris seems to be glowing as she laughs and banters with her parents; all thoughts of their deception are gone for the time being. It seems that once her mother finally relaxed and realized we didn't need to be entertained, all the awkwardness disappeared from her. Tris has been enjoying recounting stories of when she was a pilot, but she makes sure to leave out anything about her time as a spy, or anything that may cause her parents worry, or trigger one of her panic attacks.

"Tobias, it's your turn. What was your funniest moment during your time in the service?" Andrew asks, wrapping his arm around the back of Natalie's chair.

I lean back, rubbing my hand over my chin, trying to think of a story that is appropriate to tell to Tris' parents. They don't need to know about how jealous George got when Amar tried to kiss me when he was so drunk he couldn't see straight. "Ok...I've got one. Do you remember Zeke and Matthew from the wedding?"

Andrew and Natalie nod, listening intently, and I continue with the story. "Well, Zeke and I were in the middle of a prank war during basic. Hiding each other's boots at first, or replacing the sugar with salt. Simple things, really. Well, one day, Zeke got hold of my shampoo and took it to Matthew, who added something into it, and it turned all of my hair green - like grass green. Thankfully, it only stayed that way for a few days."

Tris stares at me for a moment, then breaks into a fit of giggles. The longer she pictures me with green hair, the harder she laughs. It's infectious, and her parents can't help but erupt into laughter of their own. The containers of half-filled takeout shake on the table as Andrew slaps his hand on it to try and contain his laughter. Once everyone catches their breath, I continue with a small chuckle, "I got him back, though."

Natalie wipes her eyes quickly, still trying to control her laughter. "How so?"

"Um...I may have hidden every last stitch of clothing he had, so all he had to show up in to training one day was nothing but his underwear and boots." I rub the back of my neck when I feel the heat begin to rise.

Bursts of laughter begin around the table again, and it takes several moments before I can finish. "And since Matthew was in on the prank, I hid all of his tools as well."

"Did the pranks ever stop?" Andrew asks with a smile.

I look down at my hands, slightly embarrassed it got as far as it did. "Yeah. Amar made us call a truce when Matthew tried to move our bunks onto the airfield."

We continue talking until almost eleven, when I look over and see Tris trying to stifle a yawn. "I think it's time for bed. I don't know about you guys, but after traveling today, I'm beat." I lean back in my chair to stretch.

Andrew stands, helping Natalie up from her chair. She leans over, giving Tris a quick kiss on the top of her head, and squeezes my shoulder. "Goodnight, you two. Don't stay up too late."

I stand as well, giving Tris my hand.

"Tobias, may I have a word with you? It'll take just a moment," Andrew asks, gesturing toward his office down the hall.

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