Chapter Nine - Truth and Lies

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I have to say you guys are incredible readers.  Thank you for the votes, comments, follows, and reads.  I hope you enjoy this chapter, it really is a turning point for this story.  Enjoy everyone. 

Natalie's POV

I run my hands over my face, letting out a long sigh. I hear nothing but the silence of the garage. The flu is hitting hard this season, and it has been wearing on us at the hospital. Especially seeing some of the elderly and young come in, and knowing how sick they are. It breaks my heart that I can't do more for them, but I know I need to leave my feelings at work. I can't let my family know how much it gnaws at me; they don't need to see my turmoil.

I grab my purse, thinking that I'll probably make meatloaf for dinner tonight. I open the door to the kitchen to find Beatrice sitting at the kitchen table, looking over several pieces of paper, a wide smile on her face as she clutches her necklace.

I smile at how she doesn't even seem to be aware of my presence. She's been like this for a few weeks now, and I suspect it might have to do with a boy. I haven't said anything yet, hoping she would come to me about it herself, but I can't help but seize the opportunity to broach the subject now. "Hey, honey! What are you reading?"

She jumps, looking wildly in my direction. I cover my mouth trying to hide my smile, but I can't help the laugh that escapes at the look on her face. I need to joke with her, or she isn't going to open up. If I push too hard or too quickly, she'll shut me out. "That must be some letter from Grandma Ritter to keep you that engaged. What did she and Grandpa do this time?" I place my purse on the table and take a seat next to her.

She looks down, her cheeks turning a bright pink, but she remains silent. I scoot my chair closer to her, placing my hand on top of hers. The fact that she hasn't flinched away is a good sign. I should be able to push just a little. "Beatrice? Is that a letter from your grandmother?"

She blushes a deeper red, but she can't seem to contain her smile. She whispers, "No."

I smile, grateful that she seems to have finally found a boy who has won her over, but I still need to make sure he is respectable. I look at the letter she's holding. I gesture with my head, "Is that from a young man?"

She nods her head. I breathe in, trying my best to convey that I'm serious and not gossiping. "Do you love this young man?"

She finally looks up at me, and her face lights up. "Oh, Mom. I can't even begin to tell you how in love with him I am."

I smile at the look on her face, seeing how happy she is, and I'm grateful that she is finally talking about him to me. "So, who is he? Do I know him?"

She reaches for the clasp of her necklace and takes the chain off. She holds a small locket in the palm of her hand, and opens it to reveal the picture within. The young man is quite handsome, yet something about him is vaguely familiar; I can't seem to place why I feel I might know him.

Beatrice is watching me as I examine the picture, and I smile up at her. "He's very handsome, Beatrice. Have you been on a date yet?"

She sighs, sadness creeping into her face. I'm about to inquire about the sudden change in her mood when she says, "Not really. He left for the Marines back in January, but we've been writing to each other nearly every day." She runs her fingers absentmindedly down the page of the letter.

I reach my hand toward the letter, unsure if she'll let me read something so personal, but also hoping I won't find anything in there I really don't want to read about. "May I see what he wrote?"

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