Chapter Seven - Career Path

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I couldn't sleep this morning, so I had some time to post this before my second day of orientation. Thank you guys so much for your comments, votes, reads, and follows. I hope everyone is enjoying the story so far. I'm getting excited for what is to come. Have a great Saturday and enjoy!

Tobias' POV

I tuck all of Beatrice's envelopes, the notebook, and paint set next to my mother's notebook. I place the small photo of Beatrice in the pocket of my undershirt, making sure it's not visible through the sweater I'm wearing.

I head to the kitchen to make Marcus a sandwich since he should be back soon. He always hates these functions, often complaining the food isn't to his taste or that the music is too loud. He could easily avoid these parties, but he would rather let himself be seen at these functions and be perceived as a suave businessman.

I get out the cold cuts, bread, and mustard, making sure everything is to his liking. Normally, I would be dreading Marcus coming home, but right now I can't seem to wipe the smile off my face. If three hours with Beatrice could feel like that, I can only imagine what a lifetime would feel like. I so badly wanted to tell her that I loved her, but I wasn't sure if it was too soon to say something. I didn't want to scare her or make her think I was moving too quickly.

I cut the sandwich in half when I hear the key sliding into the front door lock. I quickly place everything on the table and sit down at the opposite end, looking down at the pattern of the wood, just as Marcus walks in. He doesn't say anything, but instead sits down across from me, picking up his sandwich and taking a bite.

The only sound in the house is him chewing slowly until he finally swallows. He leans forward in his chair and steeples his fingers. He doesn't say anything, but I can tell he's choosing his words carefully. When he finally speaks, his voice is formal. Businesslike. "We need to discuss what you plan on doing with your life, son. Especially now that you have graduated."

I continue to look down at the wood grain, afraid he's going to see the deception in my eyes. "Yes, sir."

"I have kept you from these social functions your whole life so that no one would know of your true potential, which is still raw, but I'll be working on that."

He pauses, and I resist the urge to groan. I can only imagine what his plans are for me. I honestly am afraid to find out what he has to say.

"I will be providing you with the opportunity to become a great businessman, Tobias. With the war that has started to take this country over, we stand to make a significant profit," he says, leaning back in his chair, waving his arm in a grand gesture; he acts as if he expects everyone in the world will lay their earnings down at his feet.

I nod, unsure if I can get any words out. His statements have a sinister meaning underlying them. He is planning something that is surely going to swindle people out of their hard-earned money, taking advantage of their fear, no doubt.

"Tobias, you will be coming to work with me, starting at the beginning of the year, shadowing under Harrison. Is that clear?" His voice rings with authority.

I nod, still looking at the swirls of wood grain on the table. "Yes, sir."

I hear him lean forward in his chair. "Good. On Monday, you will need to have several suits tailored so you will look the part of a successful businessman. It won't be cheap, but I'm sure the investment will be worth it."

He takes another bite of his sandwich, and I resist the urge to slump my shoulders. I hate wearing suits. I have a sudden thought: if I'm some kind of investment, then I'm about to turn very sour.

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