Chapter Twenty-Five - Girl Talk

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Thank you to each and everyone of you. I have had a very hard week and you guys have made it so much better. This story really helps me stay in my happy place when things are crumbling around me. So thank you so, so much for your support, reads, votes, follows, and especially the comments. Enjoy.

Depecher thank you girl for everything you do for me. I don't know what I did without you.

Tris' POV

Three days was hardly enough time to spend with Tobias, especially since it felt like a small honeymoon given our engagement.  I did call Grandma Ritter yesterday just before we left to let her know the good news, to which she was beyond thrilled.  She did have a piece of news for me that I wasn't sure how to take.  All she said was that my parents got the last letter I sent them.  She didn't say how they reacted, but something in her tone indicated it wasn't well received, not that I intended it to be. 

A small part of me wanted to call my mother, just to let her know how happy I was about the engagment, but then it was gone as my mind quickly reminded me of their betrayal. 

Tobias and I discussed his deployment, the parts he was willing to discuss with me anyway, and while I'm terrified to never see him again, I have to keep holding on to the hope that he will come back to me.  The hope that we will spend the rest of our lives together.  I just don't want our lives to be cut short.

I walk into Amar's office at 0800 as instructed, and wait patiently.  He walks through shortly after I sit down, holding two cups of coffee in his hands.  He holds up one and says, "No sugar, just milk, right?" 

I reach out toward the cup, "Oh I love you Amar!  Thank you." 

He smiles, but then I see his eyes grow wide.  "I wouldn't let your fiancé hear that.  He might have my head." 

I'm momentarily shocked by what he said, until I realize my left hand is wrapped around the cup he just handed me.  My ring on full display.  I blush, looking down.  "Oh, um...yeah.  Four and I are engaged."  Those words still sounding strange coming off my tongue. 

Amar places his cup down, then puts a hand on my shoulder, and I look up to see him giving me a warm smile.  "Congratulations Tris.  I'm so happy for both of you.  You really deserve each other.  We'll have to celebrate at Dauntless soon." 

I remember what Tobias told me on the balcony, and I can't help but want some tiny amount of reassurance from Amar.  I know I'm not supposed to know about Operation Overlord so I say the only thing I can.  I give him an almost pleading look and say, "Please keep him safe.  I'm rather looking forward to calling him my husband soon."

There is the briefest of pauses where Amar realizes the meaning of my words.  He recovers quickly though, and begins to chuckle.  "That man doesn't need my help, but I'll make sure to do everything I can to bring him home to you."

I nod, looking back down at my coffee.  Amar goes behind his desk, and takes a seat, picking up his clipboard.  "Well, to get back to business, according to the schedule, Ms. Rothchild should be here within the hour.  We will greet her at the airfield, and after you two inspect the plane, we might run a few drills if you're up to it."  He flips open a file on his desk, reading over the notes quickly.  "Will stated you should be fine to fly, but does want you to come by later today to get another check-up."

I roll my eyes, but nod.  "I'll see Will probably this afternoon.  Mostly because I want to get back to work first.  I hate feeling useless."  

He smiles over his cup of coffee, placing it back down. "Well, you won't be feeling useless for long, you will be training almost night and day given our set back."

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