Chapter Eighteen - White Lies

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Thank you so much to everyone who is reading, voting, following, and commenting on my story.  I love reading what you guys have to say.  Enjoy

Thanks again Depecher , you helped me get this out when I was running behind. 

Tobias' POV

"Where were you yesterday? You weren't at dinner and when I went by your room, you weren't there either." I ask gently. It scared me when I couldn't find her, but when I went to Christina she said that she had spoken with her before dinner and that Tris had business she needed to take care of. Christina stated that Tris didn't elaborate though, and left pretty quickly after that.

I watch Tris poke at her eggs, but notice dark circles rim her eyes and her face is pale. She also appears to be jumpy this morning; often looking up every time the door opens.

"I'm sorry Tobias. I had a few last minute adjustments I had to make to the plane for today and I needed to do a few more test runs. I couldn't find you before I had to go up, and by the time I got done it was late. Then it took me awhile to fall asleep. I'll be ok today." She mumbles, picking up her coffee cup. She drinks deeply, closing her eyes in appreciation of the caffeine. I notice her cheeks begin to color with a pale pink, as she places her cup back down, her eyes trained on the table.

"Tris." I say sternly, trying to get her to tell me why she's lying about not being at dinner or in her room. I remember from when we were young that whenever she lied to one of her friends, her cheeks would begin to tinge with pink. So my question now is why is she lying to me?

She looks up to me, the blue in her eyes has faded to near grey. Her lip quivers for the briefest moment before she bites down on it. I've never seen her eyes like this before. Something is really troubling her. Badly.

"What?" She says, her voice low.

"Tris, please talk to me." Trying to be patient, and not let my temper flair. I reach across the table, touching her hand, trying to comfort her. "Please."

She sighs, looking down again, pulling her hand out from under mine, and placing it in her lap. "Four, it's ok. Nothing is wrong. I..." But she stops, looking up, when the door behind me opens. The little color in her face drains, her eyes growing wide with fear.

I turn in my chair quickly, to see several people come through the door. Eric is in the lead with Max, deep in discussion about something. Edward and Peter follow close behind, stifling yawns due to the early hour, along with several other recruits from mine and Eric's squadrons. I hear a chair being shoved backwards, and before I have a chance to register what's going on, Tris streaks past me and is out the other door.

I get up, planning to go after Tris, to get to the bottom of why she's acting so strangely, but then Max takes a seat next to me. "Four, a word?" He says sternly.

I close my eyes, willing God to grant me patience. "Yes, sir." Sitting back down, trying not to grit my teeth.

"As you know, we'll be doing target air training for the next two months. But we decided while each squadron is doing individual training, we would like to also work on the agility course, especially the water and climbing portions." He says with authority.

This pulls me from my thoughts that have wondered back to Tris. I look at him questioning, "Why climbing and water agility again sir? Haven't we been over that already? Wouldn't artillery be more important or hand to hand?"

Max begins picking at something on his pants, not meeting my eye. "They want to be prepared for every possibility is all. Not just artillery. We want to make sure every man is in peck physical condition before May. That's all." He looks up. "Are your men ready for today? You have the honors of going first you know."

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