Chapter Ten - Life Choices

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Thank you guys. You truly are amazing. Thank you for the reads, likes, follows and comments. I love reading what you guys have to say about my story. Enjoy.

I would also like to thank my beta reader Depecher . She has been amazing at making sure everything flows after I've read over my work a hundred times. Thank you girl.

Beatrice's POV

I run down the sidewalk, thankful for the last day of school. I know I should have waited for Caleb, but I desperately want to get home. Finally, I don't have to worry about schoolwork on top of dealing with my worry for Tobias, at least for the summer, that is.

He has been gone for nearly five months now, and I'm practically crawling out of my skin to be in his arms. His last letter said he wouldn't be able to write for a few weeks depending on how everything went with his second mission. I've been checking the mailbox every day this week, hoping that there will be a letter. It's been nearly a month now, so I'm hoping I get something soon.

I run up to the mailbox, breathless with anticipation as I pull the flap down. Nothing is in there to greet me, not even a bill. I sigh, closing the flap in disappointment. I trudge back into the house, planning to write Tobias a letter about how the absence of his words this past month has slowly been chipping away at my resolve to not go find him. Not that I could; I have no idea where I would even begin that search.

When I open the door, I'm greeted by my parents' hushed voices coming from the kitchen.

"Are you sure Andrew?" my mother whispers.

"We can't wait any longer, Natalie. We have to tell her," my father says in a low voice.

I feel dread wash over me at their words. What are they keeping from me? What have they been keeping from me? I walk cautiously into the kitchen to see them sitting at the table, holding glasses of water, solemn looks on their faces. I squeak out, "Mom? Dad? What are you doing home so early?"

My mom stands, her eyebrows knitted together, her eyes full of worry. I notice she isn't in her nurse's uniform, which means she's been home for a while. "Beatrice, we need to talk."

A knot of panic erupts into my stomach. My words come out in a rush. "Is everything ok? Are Grandma and Grandpa Ritter ok?"

She casts her eyes down, shaking her head slightly. "Beatrice, they're fine, honey. Please sit down."

I slowly walk to the chair and sit down, looking between my mother and father. "Then what's wrong?" I squeak.

My father shakes his head gravely, and without a word, he reaches into his jacket pocket. He pulls out a green piece of paper with Western Union Telegram written on the outside, handing it to me. With shaking fingers, I turn it over.




Blackness begins creeping into the edges of my vision as I try to read the words again, willing them not to be true. My father's soothing voice is far away when I hear him say, "Marcus got that a couple of weeks ago. We didn't tell you because we didn't want it to interfere with your studies. I'm so sorry, Beatrice, but Tobias has been killed in battle."

The world tilts sideways as I hear my mother scream and feel my heart shatter as blackness wraps me in its cool embrace.


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