Chapter Twenty-One - Night Flight

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Thank you to everyone who is reading, voting, following, and commenting. I love knowing how much you guys are enjoying this. I'm sorry I didn't get this out on Wednesday, but I really didn't like the wording and was struggling with it. Enjoy.

Thanks again to Depecher . Wouldn't know what I would do without you. You help me realize it's important to be happy with my work.

Tris' POV

I yawn, peeling my eyes open, and blink rapidly at the bright room. I've always hated the start of the night flights, but only because it throws my sleep schedule off so much. The first few days are usually the hardest, given that I have to acclimate myself to an entirely new schedule. But even though it's hard, the thrill of being up in the air at night makes it worth it.

I swing my legs over the edge of the bed, and begin stretching to get myself to wake up.

"Afternoon sunshine!" Chirps Christina's voice from the corner.

"Afternoon to you too. What time is it?" Twisting so I can stretch my back as I let out another yawn.

She throws her magazine down on the table, looking at her watch. "It's only a little after three. I was going to get you up in about half an hour." She stands, stretching as well from sitting so long. "How are you feeling?"

I sigh. Honestly, between having all of Dauntless coming to babysit me for the past two weeks during the day, and Tobias training me at night, I've never been more exhausted and frustrated in my life. The plus being that I've grown stronger and more confident in being able to protect myself.

I have enjoyed being Tobias' student, even with the constant soreness, though I've noticed he seems to have something on his mind. I thought it was due to his desire to strangle Eric, but I've mostly noticed it when he thinks I'm not looking; his face turning to one of deep concentration. It could just be my imagination, but just when it seems he's going to say something, he stops. When I approached him about it, he just said he's worried about me, and wants to make sure I'm safe.

It appears that the threat of Eric has dissipated for now. I'm not worried about him like I was, especially since the only time I've even seen him has been in the mess hall. Tobias said the only thing he's really noticed is that Eric has been keeping to himself mostly when he has free time, but said he's been seen speaking with Peter and a few others around the camp. But even those conversations he's kept brief, and parts ways fairly quickly after just a few words.

Amar has kept his word in keeping Eric not only busy, but also away from me. When he investigated, unfortunately, he was unable to find any evidence that Eric was anywhere near the hanger that day. However, no one could guarantee his whereabouts during lunch either. Amar stated that while no evidence was available to convict him of anything, he was still going to keep him extremely busy till further notice.

"I'm good Christina. You know as well as I do that the night flights always mess up my sleep schedule for weeks." I say with a heavy sigh.

"Yeah, well, you've done fine before and you'll do just fine this time. I think the problem is that it cuts into your time with tall, dark and brooding." She says, wiggling her eyebrows.

I sigh, rolling my eyes. "You know he's really not that bad. He may appear scary, but he's actually quite kind. Maybe if you got to know him a little better, he wouldn't seem that way to you."

Christina stands, gently laughing. "There is no way that I'm spending any one-on-one time with your boyfriend. That man is scary."

"Come on Chris. Just give him a chance. Please?"

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