Chapter Fifty-One - Next Chapter

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Thanks again @Depecher and @BarbaraK2U for your amazing work.

Tris' POV

I sit on a folding chair onstage, facing the audience, my knee bouncing slightly as I watch Tobias' next medal being pinned to his chest by the President of the United States. The photographer next to them continues to take pictures with each award he receives; the bright flashes of light leave black dots swimming in my eyes. Tobias looks incredible right now, and I can't help but wonder how he is keeping his calm in a room full of people staring at him.

Rags sits next to me, his tongue hanging out as he pants. I had a difficult time containing my laughter when the president pinned medals and ribbons to Rags' olive-colored vest as Tobias kept a tight hold on his leash. Tobias had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep a straight face while the president chuckled at Rags, who kept trying to lick him. I had heard that our president has a love for dogs, and he really didn't seem to mind Rags' antics, thankfully. The audience couldn't help but laugh, too, when Rags couldn't hold himself back any longer and began to slobber all over the president as he pinned the last award to his vest.

The ceremony isn't supposed to be very long today, given that the only personnel receiving awards are the unit that rescued me, Lynn for her service in Germany, and Rags for his actions. Since most of the medals being awarded were directly related to my rescue, the ceremony was delayed until I could be present for it.

I keep my eyes forward, finding a spot on the back wall to stare at, trying to ignore the hundreds of eyes that continue to stare at us. My gaze flicks briefly toward the crowd and I see my mother wave, a huge grin on her face. My father tries to pull her hand down, knowing how serious the ceremony is, but she can't seem to contain her excitement; several people behind her give her incredulous looks. Lucien and Evelyn don't seem to notice my mother as their full attention is on Tobias. Evelyn has a small smile on her lips, but I can see the pride radiating off of her as she watches.

I resist the urge to sink into my chair or crawl across the stage, but I just can't seem to hide the blush that creeps up my neck. I'm twenty years old, a soon-to-be decorated female pilot and servicewoman, and have survived impossible circumstances, yet somehow my parents can still manage to embarrass me in front of the President of the United States, my pending mother-in-law and father-in-law, and a roomful of distinguished people.

I bring my attention back to Tobias when Rags noses my hand to scratch his ears, and watch as President Truman picks up the last item in the box that Max presents to him, pinning it to Tobias' chest. I gently reach up and begin scratching Rags' ears, and continue to listen to the presentation speech. "For your meritorious service in combat in Europe, I award you the Navy Commendation Ribbon, Master Sergeant Eaton," he says in a strong voice.

I can't help but smile with pride seeing the new medals and ribbons adorning Tobias' chest. He shakes the president's hand one final time, leaning forward to whisper something to him, and the president gives him a smile. President Truman salutes Tobias, who returns the gesture and then walks over to take his seat next to me while the crowd gives him polite applause. He grips my hand briefly before returning it to his knee.

Max steps up to the podium and says, "We have one last award recipient today. She arrived at this base as one of the Women Air Force Service pilots, courageously and skillfully landing her plane despite a smoke-filled cockpit. However, she had already made a name for herself with an amazing number of hours logged in the two years prior to coming to Camp Lejeune. She showed further heroism when her plane was accidentally shot down during a training exercise and she was forced to parachute out of the plane. And, when the opportunity presented itself, she bravely volunteered to serve her country further."

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