Chapter Twelve - Reconnect

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You guys are amazing! I loved reading your comments on the last chapter. I'm so happy you guys are enjoying it. Please keep reading, voting, and commenting, it really pushes me to get the chapter out.

Thanks again @Decepher you really helped get this chapter out when I got the chapter to you late. Thanks again girl. You are amazing.

Tobias' POV

"Amar? I need to ask for a favor."

I'm standing in Amar's office after spending the last hour trying to decide if I'm so far gone that I have simply driven myself mad. I'm not sure if the creature that had appeared before me was a figment of that insanity, or if it had truly been the woman I thought I had lost all those years ago, now miraculously back in my life.

Amar steeples his fingers, leaning on his desk. "And what favor would that be, Four?"

I breathe in slowly, trying to keep a calm façade. "I would like to request a week of leave for myself and Miss Prior."

Amar's face remains neutral, but I can see he's thinking about what I've just asked and every consequence that could come with that request. "You do know that Miss Prior was sent here specifically to help with training, correct?"

Well, I do now. I knew that they were sending a woman pilot, but I didn't realize that it would be my Beatrice. "Yes, sir."

He leans back in his chair, rubbing his chin, still deep in thought. When he doesn't respond immediately, I start to fear that my request is going to be denied. Though, given that she just got here, it is very likely.

Amar looks up. "And you know that this will set back training for at least a week because you want to be with some dame that just got here."

My eyes narrow at his words, and I feel the muscles in my jaw clench. She isn't just some dame. I'm about to give Amar a piece of my mind when he holds up his hands in surrender, a smile coming across his face. "Easy, Four, I'm just giving you a hard time." He puts his hands back down on his desk, his face turning slightly somber. "I remember how dark it was for you those months when you thought she had died."

I look down. He doesn't know I never recovered. I just kept the mask that Marcus taught me to wear on at all times. I kept the persona of the mean, cruel Four as my new mask, never letting Tobias slip through again, knowing without question that he had died with her, too.

"That is her, I take it?" Amar questions.

I look back up. "It is, sir."

He looks up at the ceiling. "I spoke with Miss Washington, and she said that according to Miss Prior's description, one of the instruments may have short-circuited. She says the repairs could take up to a week, if we have the necessary parts." His voice trails off as he continues to think, and I resist the urge to slam my hand on the desk to get him to give me an answer. He's been doing this for years now, trying to find ways to test every last shred of patience I have.

He sighs, finally looking up at me. "Finish out today, and then get out of here. I'll take care of your men while you're gone. You haven't taken leave since I've known you." He then points a finger at me, his eyes narrowing. "But you better be back here at 0600 in one week, or so help me, I will strip you of your title and make you scrub this whole damned camp with your toothbrush."

I chuckle, reaching over to shake Amar's hand. "Thank you. And I'll have us both back in plenty of time. Don't worry."

I turn to the door to leave when he says, "Try not to get her pregnant, please. She's one of the best civilian pilots I've heard of, and a woman no less. She might actually be better than some of the men, but don't you dare tell anyone I said that. I'll have to see for myself."

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