Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Bryce's POV:

"O.... Ohm?," I asked cursing myself for stuttering.

"I did say I was taking the next flight over," he said as I just stood their standing in shock.

"Well are you going to let me in or am I just gonna stand here," he said and I blushed out of embarrassment.

"Yeah sure come on in," I said and move out of the way.

He walked in with his stuff and I stared at him as he just walked over to the couch. I watched as he took a seat in the couch and grabbed the remote. I just stared in shock as he turned on the tv and started to change the channels. How on earth did he found out where I lived?

"What are you doing here," I asked him and he turns to look at me.

"I said I'd be over to go to the movies," he said keeping his attention on me.

"Yeah but how on earth did you find me," I said and he chuckles.

"It was easy. I already had everything packed from my last trip I searched up on google to see where you lived and it said you lived in Eatonton, Georgia. I found the closest airport to Eatonton which was Atlanta and then I flew over. Took a bus here and then asked around the neighborhood for a guy named Bryce who did YouTube," he said and I just smacked my forehead.

"You really did all that to go watch a movie," I said and he chuckles.

"Of course. Who could ever pass up a free trip to the movies," he said.

"Hey who said I was going to be paying," I said putting my hands on my hips.

"I mean I obviously paid my way down here the least you could do is pay for my movie ticket," he said.

"I didn't say 'Hey come down here so we can watch a movie'," I said and all he does is just smile.

"You sent "Sure if you can come down to Georgia winky face" so I came down here hoping we could go see a movie," he said and I sighed.

"I mean if you really did come down here to see a movie why did you bring your suitcase," I asked him.

"I'm planning on staying the month so you don't mind if I crash at your place," he asks.

"I don't even.... Sure why not," I said pausing after even to think about what I was going to say.

"Cool, so what were you doing before I arrived," he asked and my eyes widen.

"Oh shit Delirious," I said and then ran off to my office.

"Hellooooooo Bryceeeeee," I heard Delirious call out once I entered my office.

"Sorry Delirious," I said putting back on my headphones.

"No problem so who was at the door," he asked.

I was about to speak when I heard the door behind me. I turned around to see Ohm lean against the door smirking at me. I was about to ask what he was doing when he opened his mouth.

"Hey Delirious sorry I couldn't play I had plans," Ohm said making my eyes wide.

"Did Ohm join the team speak," Delirious asked.

"I guess he did," I said not really wanting to explain Delirious about what happened.

"Bryce why are you lying. No Delirious I'm over at Bryce's out he's taking me to the movies you should come over," he said and Delirious started to laugh.

"Why the fuck is he at your house," he asked me and I sighed.

"I jokingly told him if he came over to my house he could join me to the movies. And he found his way over here," I said and he laughs.

"Dude how does he look like," he asked.

"Well you should ask him yourself. I'm not allowed to give away personal information," I said and he awes.

"I should probably go. Have fun on your date," he teased.

"This is not a date," I said.

"What's not a date," Ohm asked.

"Us going to the movies. Which if you checked your messages said I already went too," I said and left the team speak.

"I know but pleeeeease I wanna watch Sausage Party," he begged.

"Ugggghhhhhhh fiiiiiine," I said and he smiles.

"Awesome let's go right now," he said grabbing my hand.

"Ohm wait," I said getting pulled away from my computer.

So much for getting some editing done.

Do you think I'm putting out chapters too quickly? I mean I know they're not as long as my others but still they have what needs to be said. I mean if you want a lover chapter it's gonna take me a lot longer at how I'm writing these Lol.

Yes if you search up Bryce Games on google and go on his wiki page it says he lives in Eatonton, Georgia. I just needed a city and just put that there lol.

Anywaysssss with lots of love 💛

Hail Happy Burger


Brofish 👊🐟

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