Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Bryce's POV:

Yesterday was boring. When I woke up I felt immense pain in my arms and leg. I cried out every time I moved them. I yelled so loud that Ohm came rushing to the room. He was asking me if I was alright that if I needed anything. He also asked if I was okay and I asked for some pain medication. I said that they were in the bathroom and he scrambled to get them.

He then wanted to do everything for me but I wasn't going to let some silly pain keep me down. It was pretty hard to get him to stop. When I even slightly flinched from pain he would be at my side asking if I was okay. He feels like an overprotective girlfriend if I knew one myself. I don't know why I compared him to like that. Maybe he's over protective because I almost died the day before that.

Speaking of girlfriend, I decided to FaceTime mine in my recording room. I laid on the couch as I was waiting for her to pick up. When she answered she was just as beautiful as I remembered. She talked about her time over at her friends house and how they had a sleep over and everything they did. She also sent me some pictures of her friends and I laughed.

"Are we still going on the date on the 31st," she asked me.

"Of course my sunshine how could I ever forget," I said and she giggles.

We talked for another ten minutes before she had to go. It was nice talking to her because I felt like I wasn't being a good boyfriend. I unlocked my recording room and opened the door and Ohm fell on top of me. I looked up at him and his face is towards me. I stared at his lips as he was breathing abbot heavily. His lips were plumped and kissable..... oh what was I saying?

That moment was very awkward and soon the pain intensified making me whimper in pain. He quickly scrambled off me apologizing profusely as he helped me off the floor. The thing I noticed about his face was that it was a slight red. After that we got invited to play worms with Delirious, Cartoonz and their friend Gorillaphent. I'm always willing to make new friends.

It was overall fun to do and rage inducing as well. There were so many good plays and so many good comebacks. We played for a couple of hours before they had to go. I decided to take the rest of the time to upload another video. It was some footage of uno when we were card swapping. I edited the footage and then uploaded it to YouTube.

The rest of the night we ate dinner and just watched tv. It was an overall nice night. Now that it's the next day and I'm staring up at the ceiling the only thing I want to do today is watch the fireworks.

So yeah I was lost on what I wanted to do for the next day so I decided to skip it. Here is Bryce telling you about what he did yesterday. Sorry for the chapter being short as well like I said I couldn't think of anything.

With lots of love 💛


Brofish 👊🐟

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