Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Bryce's POV:

"Oooh my head," I said as I felt it pounding.

I get up from the bed and I rubbed it. Most of last night was a blur after I had my fifth drink I think.

"Ugh I'm such a light weight," I said out loud.

"Yeah you are," I heard a deep voice which scared the crap out of me.

"Ohm how long have you been there," I asked as he chuckles.

"Just right now. I wanted to see if you had woken up," he said and I groaned.

"That's nice of you but do you have something to take this headache away," I said.

"Yeah I have coffee done in the kitchen," Ohm said and I nod my head.

"Oh god," I said feeling my stomach start hurting.

"The bathroom is also unoccupied," Ohm said and I made my way there.

I opened the lid and threw up everything that I had in my stomach. I felt Ohm rub my back as I threw up. My head was pounding even harder and my throats felt like it was on fire. After I threw up I groaned and I felt the rubbing stop.

"Let me go get you that coffee and aspirin," Ohm said as he left the room.

I slowly got up and made my way to the recording room. I found it unlocked happy to have it back. I then sat down at my desk and turned on the computer. When it was loading I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around and I saw Ohm with the coffee and aspirin.

"Thanks," I said taking them.

I took the aspiring and then drank the coffee and sighed happily as the headache seemed to calm down.

"I let you have your recording room back and you're already on it," he said and I stuck my tongue out at him.

"I just need a video for tomorrow gosh," I said and he chuckles.

"I'm on that video loop you know. Only need to just add an edited video and it's queued up to upload," I said and I rolled my eyes.

"Way to go for you for being smart," I said sarcastically which he just replies with a smile.

"Anyways I already have the video done and edited I just need to upload it," I said as I opened up YouTube.

"What are you going to call the video," Ohm asked as it popped up.

I quickly typed in:


"Oh a solo vid I thought you would have put up one with BOCH," Ohm said and I tilted my head.

"What's BOCH," I asked and he chuckles.

"It's the group name you called you, me, Cartoonz, and Delirious," he said and I raised my eyebrow.

"I don't ever remember saying this," I said and he just smiles.

"You said it last night dude," he said and I tried to think.

"I don't remember anything up until the last shot I dra- you continued to play even though I was drunk," I said finally realizing what he had did.

"Whaaaaaaat I was curious," Ohm said and I groaned.

"Ughhhhhhhh," was all I could think of as I clicked on upload.

"Since you have the rest of the day off we should do something," Ohm said as I left my computer on sleep mode.

"Do you know what time is it," I asked Ohm and he pulls out his phone.

"It's 10:40 am," Ohm said and my eyes widen.

"I can't believe you let me sleep in," I said and he just shrugs his shoulders.

"Seemed like the appropriate thing to do after what had happened last night," he said and I blushed.

"Oh yeah thanks for telling me your back story. If I had known," I said but he interrupts me by saying:

"It's alright Bryce I wouldn't have told you if I didn't trust you."

I could feel my cheeks heat up even more. The tone of his voice was soft and warming. It made me just want to hug him and have him whisper things to me in that tone. Suddenly the warmth went from my cheeks to down under. I gulped silently and hope to god that I don't have a hard on. I can't be falling for Ohm. Not when I have Clarissa with her beautiful.... brown hair and those mysterious eyes.... what am I doing?

"Well we could go to the lake," I suggested really wanting to get out of this room.

"The lake sounds wonderful and lucky for you I brought my swim trunks," Ohm said as he left the room.

I let out the breathe that I didn't realize I was holding in. I looked down and I sighed happily as I didn't have a boner. I left the recording room and headed for my room to change. Finding a nice pair of purple swim shorts and a nice black shirt. I started to back in a bag the things I would need during and after we leave. I left the room and I walk to the cabinet and pulled out the cooler from within.

I then walked to the kitchen but I could see Ohm changing in the living room. I had to stop myself from looking any further as I saw him shirtless. I could just picture the slight six pack he had making me want to just grab them. I then put in the cooler some food and drinks and put ice on top. I then walked back to Ohm seeing him dressed.

"Are you ready to go," I asked and he nods his head.

"Let's goooo," Ohm said as he left the house and I followed him in return; making sure that the house was completely locked.

I then put the cooler in the trunk as Ohm sat in the passenger seat. I then sat in the driver seat and out on the GPS. Finding the nearest lake, I turn on the car and drove over there.

Ahaha impatient people must be impatient. I do appreciate every comment I get. But if I do find something very inappropriate I will delete it. Just to warm in advance. Tempted to delete the ones about cooking cereal in the microwave XD.

If you want to know why I'll explain if you comment about it. Anyways thanks for the support

With lots of love 💛


Brofish 👊🐟

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