Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

When Bryce opened his eyes he smiled slyly at Ohm. Ohm tilted his head and smiled as Bryce was swaying back and forth.

"Do you want to stop Bryce," Ohm asked him and Bryce just giggled.

"Nooooo Ooooohmieeeee were just starting," Bryce said and he hiccuped.

"Issssssssss my turn right," Bryce then said and Ohm nod his head.

"Alright alright uhhhhhhhh are you gay or naaaaaaah," Bryce said making Ohm laugh.

"I like to consider myself Bi," Ohm said.

"Bi? You must be confused then..... I'm kidding I'm kidding hahaha," Bryce said making Ohm shake his head.

"Alright then who do you prefer to play with," Ohm asked.

"I like playing with our main group. You, Delirious, and Luke. We should have a name for our group," Bryce said making Ohm laugh.

"What should we be called then," Ohm asked and Bryce hums.

"BOCH," Bryce then yells making Ohm tilt his head.


"Shhhhh you already asked your question my turn," Bryce said shushing Ohm.

"Alright whatever you say," Ohm said.

"Okay mmmmmm have you taken it up the butt," Bryce asked then giggled.

"Yeah of course several times," Ohm joked making Bryce smirk.

"I KNEW IT," Bryce said then bursted out laughing.

"Alright so why BOCH," Ohm asks making Bryce giggle.

"Because it stands for Bryce, Ohmwrecker, Cartoonz, and H2ODelirious aren't I smart or what,"  Bryce said.

"Yes you are now it's my turn," Ohm said which made Bryce confused.

"What why," he said and Ohm just shakes his head.

"No you have to wait your turn," Ohm said and Bryce pouts.

"So who is Clarissa," Ohm curious to see what would Bryce answer.

"Ohhhhh she's my girl friend," Bryce said by really caring what he was saying.

"You now have to wait your turn because you asked two questions when you were out of turn," Bryce announced and Ohm nods his head.

"Okay why do you like taking things up the butt," Bryce asked.

"Because it's fun."

"Okay why do you have brown hair?"

"Because I was born with it."

"alright so we're on question 16 and it's my turn to ask you," Bryce said.

"You're so good at counting," Ohm said but his smiles was forced trying to real int the information.

"So why did I have to skip my turn again," Bryce asked.

"Because you asked aren't you smart and I answered," Ohm said knowing this maybe the only time to get answer.

"Ooooooooh okaaaaaay imma have another shot because ish good," Bryce slurred as he drank another.

"Why didn't you tell me about Clarissa," Ohm asked and Bryce lips go into a thin line.

"Imma drink for this one," Bryce said and drank another shot.

"Alright why are you short," Bryce asked and giggled when he saw Ohm's face frown.

"Leave me alone about that alright," Ohm said and Bryce just slyly smiles at him.

"Are you a virgin Bryce," Ohm asked and Bryce giggles again.

"Of course I've never done it with Clarissa," Bryce said and Ohm flinched when he Clarissa's name was mentioned.

"Do you ever go outside to look at the stars," Bryce said as he looked up at the ceiling.

"No I don't maybe I will when I go home I'll start," Ohm said and Bryce looked at him.

"You should it's very pretty," Bryce said as Ohm smiled softly.

"Alright do you have any pets," Ohm asked.

"Only if you count as a pet," Bryce said making Ohm blush.

"Hahahahahahaha," Bryce just laughed as Ohm tried to clear his throat.

"What do you think of Delirious," Bryce then asked making Ohm tilt his head.

"He's a cool dude," Ohm said and Bryce grumbled something but Ohm didn't hear it.

"Why do you smell like strawberries," Ohm asked and Bryce bursted out laughing.

"Because of the air fresheners," Bryce said making Ohm chuckle.

"Alright this is the last question and we have to answer them," Ohm said and Bryce said the first thing that came into his kind.

"Can I see your eyes?"

Ohm hesitantly reached up to untie his mask and he did. He held onto his mask as he stared into Bryce's blue eyes.

"You have nice eyes," Bryce whispered as he touched Ohm's face.

"Alright what do you think of me being here," Ohm asked.

"I.... I don't know..... when you first came over it was just a shock. I didn't think you would actually do it. But here I found you outside my door to go to the movies. And then as you stayed at my house I..... I got to know you better and you made my heart feel weird. We got a long you took care of me and I took care of you. The way you held me even though I'm taller was perfect and I'm so lost and confused," Bryce said mumbling at time but Ohm could hear it well.

"I don't mind you calling me Ryan," Ohm said and Bryce stares long into his eyes.

Bryce then found himself moving forward and soon his lips met with Ohm's. Ohm kissed back making Bryce wrap his arms around him. There was a quiet touch to a phone as a picture was being taken of the scene. They then broke the kiss and were breathing heavily.

"I..... you Ryan," Bryce said before collapsing on the couch blacking out.

Ohm just stared as Bryce as he's breathing evenly. Ohm then covered his eyes before picking up Bryce. He picked him up gently and placed him on his bed. He watched Bryce sleep for a couple more minutes before He left the room quickly opening up messages on his phone.

Sending somebody a picture.

Well would you look at that. Finally after 19 chapters something gay happens and Bryce starts it. Too bad it's Drunk Bryce. Who do you think Ohm is sending that too? I was also think a group name for Bryce, Ohm, Cartoonz and Delirious. I heard people call them The Dream Team but that's lame. But I have created the perfect group name. They will be known as


It's like a fancier word for Biotches. Boches XD. Stands for Bryce, Ohmwrecker, Cartoonz, and H2ODelirious aren't I smart or what XD.

Hitting you with that double upload because I care also these are the people who sent questions I used.


Thanks for sending questions

With lots of love 💛


Brofish 👊🐟

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