Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Bryce's POV:

The drive to the laser show was an hour long and we've been driving for the past 30 minutes. Around the 5 minute mark, Ohm got bored and he turned on the radio. He started to jam out to the pop songs and sang along to almost every song that was played in the radio. If I could hold my phone, I would have recorded him doing all of those things.

He was over dramatic about songs that had lot of beat to them. I think my favorite song that he had danced to would be 24K Magic by Bruno Mars. Seeing him move to every beat in the small enclosed space was enticing. Of course I had my eyes on the road, but that doesn't mean I couldn't see him through my peripheral vision. I think he noticed a couple of times because he would smirk at my way a couple of times.

Of course I would smirk back in my defense, I can't let him know I got flustered every time he smirked at me. I can handle my blush control but I can't handle the warm feeling that I get inside of me. It's been this way since Ohm had saved me from drowning. Actually I've never had this much close contact before. Me and Clarissa would kiss every once in a while but nothing like Ohm ever did.

What am I doing? Why am I comparing Clarissa to Ohm? Clarissa is my one and only. She's the love of my life and I'm glad that I met her in this lifetime. Ohm had quiet down with his dancing but he was still singing to the songs. I looked straight down the highway that lead to the laser show. I finally saw the exit that lead to the laser show and I took it. It was a five minute drive later and we finally made it.

"So how spectacular is this show," Ohm asked as I payed 15 dollars for parking.

"You'll just have to see," I said as I looked for parking.

I had managed to find really close parking, but that was because Ohm was pointing it out like a little child. I was going to park a decent away but then he whined saying that he didn't want to walk far. I don't get why walking is going to be such a hassle. He literally had to walk from the airport to a bus stop or taxi just to get over to my house. Lazy my ass.

We got out of the car and I took the blanket that I kept in my trunk. We managed to find a decent spot and I laid out the blanket. Many people were here; adults and children of all ages. You could hear the children play with each other as many other people got a spot to watch. Ohm was looking around and pulled his jacket closer to him.

"Are you alright Ohm," I asked him and he turns his head towards me.

"There's just a lot of people here that's all," Ohm said and I raised my eyebrow.

"But you were fine whenever we are out or went to the movies," I said and he shakes his head.

"Yeah because that was a lot of people. This is a lot of people," he said and I tilted my head to the side.

"Are you afraid of being recognized," I asked and he just shrugs his shoulders.

"Maybe I don't know," he said and I wrapped my arms around him making him jump.

"It'll be alright because I'm here," I said and I could see a small blush form on his face.

He was about to say something else when somebody called out fags. I wanted to let go of the hug but I still kept holding on. He then tried to slightly get out of the hold but then a bright light was on the mountain in front of us.

"Ladies, gentlemen, and children of all ages we like to welcome you to Stone Mountain Park to enjoy our Laser Show Spectacular," a male announcer said making everyone cheer.

"Just sit tight and relax as the show is about to begin," he finished saying and the light disappeared.

It was very quiet that you could hear the whispers people had about the show. Some showed excitement while other showed disbelief. Ohm relaxed in my hold and I had let go of him. The excitement buzzed through everyone as we waited for the show to begin. A minute later the show had begun. It was very beautiful as the different lights hit the mountain making it look like a projection screen.

It was hypnotizing to watch. I didn't know when I unconsciously leaned onto Ohm but I felt his arms wrap around my shoulder. I paid attention to his quiet breathing as he stared at the mountain before him.i snuggled into his warmth feeling the cold chilly air kick in. He chuckles as I did and I rolled my eyes at that. I was going to ask him about the show so far when I felt his hand move.

I looked up to him and staring back at me was the haunting grey eyes. The grey eyes that I saw in my dreams, the grey eyes I saw before I thought I had died, the grey eyes that are staring into my soul and I couldn't look away. It felt like everyone disappeared and it was just me and Ohm. My blue eyes were staring into his grey ones and I couldn't help but find myself but lean in.

He leant in as well and I closed my eyes. I suddenly felt soft plump lips touch my own. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I found myself wrapping my arms around his neck. He pressed his lips firmly to mine and I pressed mine back in return. I gasped slightly when I felt his tongue slip inside my mouth but he promptly stole another kiss.

"Take that somewhere else fags," I heard a man say and I broke off the kiss.

My eyes were wide as Ohm promptly tied his mask.

"Leave them alone it's not like they're inviting you to join," somebody else said and I suddenly felt completely embarrassed.

"You're probably a fag too then," the same person said and I just blocked my ears.

"Do you want to go Bryce," Ohm said managing to pull my hand away from ear.

I nodded my head afraid of my voice betraying what I was feeling on the inside. He managed to get me off the ground and picked up the blanket. He grabbed my hand and lead me to the car. I could hear the people arguing about what happened and I wanted to curl up and cry. We managed to get to my car and Ohm took the keys away from me and sat me in the passengers seat.

I sat there not knowing what to do. Ohm got into the drivers seat and just looked at me. He sighed and buckled me into the seat. I pulled my knees to my chest and I laid my head on them. Ohm started the car and pulled out of the parking lot. We started the long way drive home and I just wanted to curl up and die.

"Bryce do you wanna talk about what happened," Ohm asked me and I closed my eyes.

"No," was the only thing I managed to say and it was just above a whisper.

He didn't say anything after that. After the seemingly long hour drive, we finally made it home. Once Ohm parked the car I slowly got out of the car, but once he opened the door; I made a break for my room. I made it to my room, closed the door, and locked it. I got on my bed and I pulled my knees to my chest. I let out the tears I was holding and cried. I can't believe I did that... I can't believe I kissed Ohm when I was dating Clarissa. Why did I do that.... WHY?!

Woooooo weeeeeeee soooooooo yeaaaaaaaaa that happened haha. I saw the comments from last chapter and I was looking through them because I already have the rest of the book planned out. Just to let you know I do not hate the LBGT community but since I making this realistic there will be hate haha

Also also also this is amazing:

Seriously guys you are amazing and just wow :D

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Seriously guys you are amazing and just wow :D

With lots of love 💛


Brofish 👊🐟

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