Ask the Characters 2

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Hello guys we are back.... back again.

Ohm: are you seriously singing right now

Why yes I am Ohm because this is going to be officially the last chapter of this book.

Bryce: already? But you barely started this book 4 months ago.

I know Bryce I know but that's how the cookie crumbles.

Cartoonz: this is fucking bullshit why am I here again...

Because I want you to be and I said: you can ask Delirious, Bryce, Ohm, Cartoonz, Clarissa, and even myself. So fucking deal with it.

Clarissa: I'm glad that I'm finally included in this.

Delirious: yeah why wasn't she in the last one.

Because fuck you so let's get started.

Everyone: alright.

Okay the first question was asked by my lovely amazing friend ishaboi_blue. She asks:

"I love this ending 😍😭 and I have a question for Delirious!"

"Did you know about this? Or when did Cartoonz tell you about this?"

Delirious: alright alright when the bet was first made I had no clue about it. All I heard was that Ohm was chilling with Bryce at his place for some apparent reason. To answer your second question Cartoonz was complaining to me about a bet he lost and he told me about it.

Cartoonz: Delirious I'm sorry.

Delirious: suck my dick bitch.

Alright thank you for answering and for the next couple of questions it's going to go from: Ohm, Cartoonz, Bryce, Delirious, and then me.

Clarissa: no questions for me I guess

It might come soon Clarissa who knows. Okay so these questions were asked by @MJLovesSnivy:

"Ohm, if you could, would you start it all again? The bet and the whole experience with Bryce?"

Ohm: well... I wouldn't accept the bet but I would totally visit Bryce again to see if I could have a chance with him.

Bryce: *mumbles* in your dreams.

Alright and this is for Cartoonz:

"Are you planning on helping to fix this mess?"

Cartoonz: okay listen. Yes I created the bet but it isn't my fucking fault that Ohm and Bryce had fallen in love with each other. I just said that he had to make Bryce kiss him. He could have asked and that would have been okay. I didn't tell him to make Bryce fall in love with him.

And for Delirious:

"So how are you and Evan? 😉 also deal with Cartoonz for me"

Delirious: the second part with pleasure *punches Cartoonz in the arm*

Cartoonz: fuck

Delirious: and for the first part... *mumbles and blushes* fine

So cute anyways and for me:

"TEACH MEH YOUR WRITING SKILL SENPAI! Advice for writing as well as you do?"

Wellllllll I don't think my writing is that great. Don't get me wrong I know everyone will tell me otherwise but I don't think my writing's great. Yes I can come up with good story lines but my problem is with grammar and spelling. Once I get the hang of that I will understand myself even more. So to answer your question. There's nothing really I can say to help with writing other than planning out what you actually want to happen and when it happens.

{Book 1} The Man Behind The MaskWhere stories live. Discover now