Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Bryce's POV:

I laughed at a video about a guy who was going to push another guy in the water but instead he fell in. I love these instant karma because those people deserve what they do. I look at the time and I see that it's 4:30. I got up from desk and put my pc into sleep mode. I then walk back down stairs and I could hear Ohm quietly snore.

I chuckle but managed to make my way to the kitchen without waking him up. I grabbed a pan from the oven and I set it on top of the stove. I poured some oil in the pan and I turned on the stove to a medium heat. I grabbed the now thawed out beef and I placed it on the pan. I heard it start sizzling and I smiled.

I then got a different pan and filled it with water. I set it to boil next to the cooking beef. Once the water boiled I then put some rice in it. I grabbed a plate and placed the cooked beef on it. I then added another piece and repeated the same process. The rice finished cooking and I grabbed two plates. I placed two scoops of rice on each plate. I then placed two pieces of beef on each plate.

I grabbed the plates and walked over to Ohm. I placed both plates on the coffee table and walked back into the kitchen. I grabbed two cokes I had in the fridge and returned back. I saw Ohm stretch when I returned and I smiled softly.

"Do you feel better Ohm," I asked and I could see that his face was red anymore.

"I feel so much better. Thank you for taking care of me," Ohm said and I nod my head.

"I had to repay the favor somehow," I said and he smiles.

"So what did you make," Ohm asked as he grabbed the plate.

"I made some cookies beef and rice," I said as I grabbed my spoon eating some rice.

"It smells delicious," Ohm said taking a bite as well.

We ate in silence as there wasn't really much we could talk about. I felt my phone vibrate and I saw that it was a message from Delirious.

"Dude Moo wants me, you, and Ohm to play Dead by Daylight you down?"

"Sure is it going to be in the morning or afternoon," I messaged back and put away my phone.

"Who were you messaging," Ohm asked me.

"Oh it was Delirious he just wanted to know if we could play Dead by Daylight tomorrow with Moo," I said and he nods his head.

"Yeah I'm down for it," he said and I got a reply from Delirious.

"The morning Moo has some things to do."

"Yeah alright around 9 am then?" I quickly replied which I got an immediate yes afterwards.

"At 9 were gonna play Dead by Daylight alright," I said and he nods his head.

"Thanks for dinner," Ohm said as he finished his meal.

"No problem do you just want to watch movies," I said as I grabbed both empty plates.

"Sure I'll Netflix and chill with you," Ohm said and I felt my face flush.

Thank god he can't see me.

"Haha you wish," I said as I put the plates in the sink.

"So what movies do you have," Ohm asked as I returned back.

"Disney movies, and some other movies that I can't think the name of," I said.

"Do you have Lion King," he asked and I nod my head.

I put it in the DVD player and pressed play. I decided to sit next to Ohm. I decided to share the blanket with him and I could feel him slightly tense up but ultimately relax. I laid my head on the side of the couch as I watched the familiar movie play out.

Closing my eyes I couldn't help but let the yawn escape my lips. I feel unconscious take over as I felt something wrap around my shoulder. I wonder what it was?

Awwwwww isn't that cute. It's freaking adorable. Late in the morning talking with SpookyKat194 on Discord because why not XD. If you want to join my server add me because I find it easier that way XD


Thank you for the support and we're almost at 10k WOOOOOOO

With lots of love 💛


Brofish 👊🐟

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