Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Bryce's POV:

I sat at my desk laying my head on top of the desk. In front of me was a video I needed to edit and upload for tomorrow. I looked back up at it and I glared at it. The audio from my voice had out of sync from the game. So when I was talking about something the gameplay was different from what I was talking about.

I heard Ohm chuckling behind me and I wanted to throw the pillow at him. But I just stayed there letting his laugh go through my ears. I closed my eyes and groaned wanting to just not deal with the video anymore. I heard his footsteps walk behind me and I closed my eyes. I felt his arm touch my shoulder and I opened my eyes to see him over my shoulder.

His face wasn't towards me but it was looking towards the computer screen. If only I could see what his eyes looked like as he was looking at my computer screen. He looked down toward me and smirked probably catching me looking at him. At this point I'm used to that smirk that's being thrown at me. It's not like it'll ever change from that.

"You like what you see," he asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Only if I could see your eyes then maybe," I said speaking my mind out and he chuckles.

"But then I won't be so hidden anymore," he said and I pouted.

"But Cartoonz knows how Delirious looks like just let me be your Cartoonz," I said and he shakes his head.

"How does that make sense," he said and I just shrug my shoulder.

"I mean Cartoonz is taller than Delirious and I'm taller than you sooooo," I said and he laughs making me smile.

"But Cartoonz is older than Delirious and if I learned anything about you is that I'm definitely older than you," he said and I pouted.

"That shouldn't even matter not like I'm gonna tell anybody," I said and he shakes his head.

"If you say so and by the way I think I might be able to fix your ahem problem," he said smirking as he said that.

"You can fix my recording," I said hopefully making him chuckle.

"Yeah we just need to sync up the gameplay with your face cam," he said and I nodded my head.

It turns out it was something more complicated than that. He ended up taking me out of the chair and trying to fix the recording. I even went to make sandwiches for the both of us. It took most of the afternoon but he finally turned to me and said.

"And it's fixed."

"Thanks Ohm," I said as he moved out of the way so I could sit.

I finished editing the video and I uploaded it on YouTube. I put the title: YOU HAVE 10 SECONDS 2. I put the description and then clicked on upload. Getting out of YouTube I sighed again wanting to relax at this point.

"Do you know any places we could chill out. Being here makes me think about the video," Ohm said as I got up from the chair.

"Actually there's this laser show my mom used to take me as a kid. It's really beautiful and amazing," I said remembering the lights on the mountains.

"That sounds pretty amazing to go to," Ohm said as I bounced happily out of the room.

"Hurry up and change we're going tonight," I said as I headed to my room.

I heard him chuckle as I closed the door of my room. I got out of the shorts I was wearing and out on some nice black jeans. I put on a white shirt knowing that it'll probably glow in the dark from the lights. I got to the bathroom and I get myself ready for the night. I put on my shoes and then leave my room. I stood a decent ways to watch Ohm change. He had black pants like me but he was changing into a dark grey shirt.

He then looks at the mirror in the living room and smirks as he sees my reflection.

"You could always come closer for a better look," he said and I smirked in return.

"I could but why would I," I said as he put on his grey sweater.

"Because the view is always better when it's close up," he said coming towards me.

"Are you ready to go," I said as he slightly looks up at me.

"Whenever you are," he said and walked to the front door.

I let out the breath I was holding in, now feeling extremely hot in the clothes I was wearing. I left the house locking it behind me and I see him waiting by the car. I unlocked the car making him go inside and put on his seatbelt. I follow suit and soon I was on the road to the laser spectacular show.

I wanted to finish this by a Valentine's Day as a gift for you guys but I didn't get to finish it in time. I'm in an overall good mood now because Wildcat acknowledged me on Twitch. It was so amazing he congratulated me for being a sub for so long and it made me feel happy.

If you want to see the video it's on his twitch it's the 2 hour long recent video and it's around the 12 minute mark when he does. Thank you guys for the support of the book I hope you enjoy this quick update

With lots of love 💛


Brofish 👊🐟

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