Chapter 31

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Huh a little less than two weeks nice.

Chapter 31

Bryce's POV:

We skated on the ice for 2 more hours before our stomachs decided it was a good time to eat something. I haven't been ice skating like that in forever. I really didn't expect Ryan to be a figure skater either but then again I barely know anything about him. We returned our skates and then walked outside. I sighed happily as I felt the warm air hit me as I walked out of the building.

"When did you learn how to skate," Ryan asked me as we entered the car.

"My mother did. She wanted me to play hockey but I always found the figure skaters more interesting," I said as he drove out of the parking lot.

"I dabbled in hockey and figure skating. My coach thought it would be good for me to learn both," Ryan said as he looked down the road.

"Maybe you should show me how to play Hockey sometime," I said and he smiles.

"Yeah and I can't wait to school you in it," he teased.

"Where are we going now," I asked as he takes a right on a corner.

"I found this nice small restaurant on my way over here and I wanted to try it out with you," Ryan said as he pulled into a different parking lot.

I looked at the restaurant's name which was called Huddle House. I remember eating here once with my family. It was a long time ago but I could remember eating waffles. We got out of the car and entered the restaurant

"Welcome to Huddle House are you guys a  party of 2," the waitress asked.

"Yeah we are," Ryan answered her.

"Alright then follow me and I'll show you your seats," she said winking at Ryan.

There was a sudden feeling in my chest that wouldn't go. I followed Ryan to the booth and I sat across from him. She slightly tossed my menu in front me as she gently placed Ryan's.

"Can I get you anything to drink," she said completely ignoring me.

"I would like water," I said and she turned to glare at me.

"And I would like a Pepsi," Ryan replied and she turned to smile at him.

"One Pepsi coming right up," she said sweetly and left the table.

"Excuse me miss," I said to another waiter who was passing by.

"Can I help you sir," she asked.

"The waiter who was serving us probably isn't going to get me my drink can I get some water please," I asked her and she huffed.

"Mia always does this don't worry sir I'm on it," she said and left.

"Mia isn't that bad," Ryan said and I frowned at him.

"She completely ignored me and glared at me when I asked for water how isn't that bad," I said and he chuckles.

"Alright she isn't bad to me," Ryan said and that feeling came back.... I hate it.

"Then maybe she should be your date," I said and he smirked.

"Are you jealous," he said and I huffed.

"You are that's so cute," he said and I got up from my seat.

"I don't need to do this," I said.

I was about to walk away when he grabbed my hand and I looked into his eyes. When did he take off his mask?

"I didn't ask her to be mine I asked you," he said smiling at me.

Feeling myself blush I reluctantly sat back down and continued to hold his hand. When the waiter came back she did a double take.

"Are you guys like together," she said as she held the Pepsi in her hand.

"Yeah he's adorable isn't he," Ryan said and I saw him wearing the mask again.

"Whatever fags," she said as she placed down his drink.

"Mia we don't call people that at the restaurant," the other waitress said as she came with my drink.

"I'm only speaking the truth Leslie," Mia said making Leslie roll her eyes.

"Why don't you wait some other table I have this one," Leslie said making her huff but she did what she was told.

"Sorry about that are you ready to order," Leslie asked.

"It's all good and I would like the Philly Cheese Steak Sandwich," Ryan said and she nodded her head.

"Would you like to substitute your fries with anything," she asked and he shook his head.

"Alright and what would you like," she said as she wrote it down.

"I would like the Golden Waffle," I asked.

"Alright you can have the choice of three strips of bacon or two sausage patties," she said as she wrote it down.

"I'd like the sausage patties please," I said and she nods her head.

"I'll be right out with your order just sit tight," she said as she left.

"Why do we always run into homophobes," I said as he rubbed my hand.

"It doesn't matter as long as you love me it's all that matters," he said and I smiled softly.

"Maybe it's too early for love but it's a definite like," I said and he chuckles.

"And the day it becomes love I'll be the happiest guy in the world," he said and I blushed.

He took out his phone and started to text someone. I took out my phone and I saw that I had a message from Clarissa.

"Good I can't wait ☺️," she sent and I swiped away the message.

I really didn't want to deal with her at the moment. After 20 minutes, Leslie came back wth the food.

"Alright we have a Golden Waffle for the blonde and a Philly Cheese Steak Sandwich for the brunette. Anything else can I get you," she said as she placed the orders to the correct person.

"No thank you," Ryan said and she left us alone.

I grabbed the syrup and put it all over the waffle. I then got my fork and knife and I cut into the waffle. I took a piece and placed it into my mouth. I smiled as pleasant childhood memories came into my mind as I ate the waffle. We barely talked throughout eating and I enjoyed that immensely. I didn't have to worry about talking with my mouth open.

We finished our meal and I paid for him, much to his disapproval. I chuckled as he pouted.

"Do you want to spend some time at the park," Ryan asked and I nod my head.

The drive to the park wasn't long, it was really close by to the Huddle House. We found a decent space were we both laid under the tree. I laid on top of him as we just listened to the sounds of the birds. I closed my eyes letting the sounds lull me to sleep.

First thing I need to say in order to get it out of the way. When I was making them skate Yuri on Ice wasn't in my head. Also sorry for the slightly long hiatus. Tried to figure out what I wanted to do. It's kind of hard trying to write when your brain doesn't want to. Oh well

With lots of love 💛


Brofish 👊🐟

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