Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

Bryce's POV:

"What's up guys it's Bryce and welcome to Bryce Games."

"Today just wanted to make a quick little video to let you guys know that I'm going to Pax West in Seattle."

"By the time you actually see this video I'll probably be on the plane and on my way to Seattle but I just wanted to give you guys a quick update on what's happening."

"Before you guys freak out I do have videos ready for every single day that I'm gone; so hopefully you guys enjoy the videos."

"But if you guys actually are going to be at Pax West than make sure you guys are on the lookout for me because I would love to meet you guys."

"If you guys are gonna to be at Pax West than I highly suggest you follow me on twitter. My Twitter name is @BryceMcQuaid so make sure you follow me because I'm gonna be tweeting out where I am throughout the day so if you wanna find me that's gonna be your best bet."

"And if you see me around Pax and I look a little bit busy if I'm talking with someone or I'm trying out a game or something make sure you come up and say hi to me either way because the whole reason I actually go to these events is to meet you guys."

"So even if I look a little bit busy I would be more than happy too talk with you guys rather than doing whatever I'm doing"

"So make sure you guys come say hi, get a picture, talk to me about whatever you want to talk to me about, or just come get a hug because I would love to meet you guys."

"And for those of you who are curious yes I will be vlogging on this trip so if you guys are interested in that it should be up in my channel sometime next week so hopefully you guys will enjoy that as well."

"But yeah that's pretty much all I have to say for this video. So just a quick summary I'm going to Pax West, there will be videos the whole time that I'm there, if you guys are there make sure you follow me on twitter cause I'm gonna be tweeting out where I am, and if you are there I would love to meet you so make sure you guys say hi."

"But anyway I guess that's it for this video, thank you guys so much for watching it hopefully you guys enjoy the videos while I'm gone. And I'll see you guys when I get back."

"Have a good one guys," video me said as the video turns to black.

I stared at this video as I was standing in the airport lobby. My finger was hovering over upload and I was nervous. Anybody could see this video which I'm happy about but Ohm would see it too. He would probably stop me as well before getting on the plane. But the flight leaves in 20 minutes and he wouldn't be able to stop me in time.

After I saw Ohm, I decided that I needed to get away from him. He was in town and probably wouldn't stop trying to talk to me. So the best way is to go to the place where I know he can't follow me too. I was surprised that no one recognized him here either but we're a small town that barely anyone comes visit too.

That should have been my tipoff to something was wrong, but I just let it fly over my head. I also needed a break from the others as well. I was angry at Cartoonz for making the bet with Ohm. I know Delirious told me about Ohm and Cartoonz but I can't help but wonder if he knew all along.

"Last call to board flight 230 to Seattle," the announcer said and I pressed upload.

I put my phone in my pocket and I grabbed my carry on. I gave the flight attendant my ticket and she approved it. I got business class because I thought I needed to treat myself for this trip. I found my seat very quickly and I placed my stuff in the overhead compartment. I took out my camera and looked out the window.

"Let's do this," I told myself as I hit record as we took off from the airport.

Hit you with that double upload. I know I'm amaze balls. But there are something's I want to discuss.

1: it took me about 10 minutes trying to copy a 2 minute video word for word. My hands were numb from holding my phone for so long XD.

2: Clarissa, Clarissa, Clarissa.... yes I may not respond to comments at times but I do read them. When I created Clarissa, I slightly based her personality on me. So seeing this hate against a fictional character makes me sad :(

3: thanks PhannicAtTheMilkFic for listening to my rant about the Clarissa situation ^^

With lots of love 💛


Brofish 👊🐟

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