Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Bryce's POV:

"Ohm wait," I said once we were outside.

"What's the hold up Bryce," he said finally stopped pulling me.

"I wanted to get some editing done," I said and he laughs.

"You can do that later come on dude," he said like a spoiled child.

"I don't even have my keys how on earth do you think we'll be able to get there," I said and he smiles sheepishly.

"Hurry up and get your keys. Time's a wasting," he said and I rolled my eyes.

"Sure whatever you say shortie," I said mumbling the last part.

"Did you say something," Ohm asked me and all I did was smile.

"Nothing really Shortie," I said once again and I saw a frown form on his face.

"Hey I'm your elder you should respect me," he says and I laugh.

"Yeah you're super old 33 year old," I said and he laughs.

"Yeah and you're 21. Oh god I feel old now," he says.

"I thought people who are older are supposed to be taller," I continued to tease and he smirks.

"I was at one point but haven't you seen elderly people and how short they could be," he says and I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever, you're just trying to make up an excuse," I said as I reached my car.

I unlocked the car and Ohm entered the passenger door. He immediately put on his seatbelt as I sat down on the seat. I put on my seatbelt and I checked everything to see if everything was okay. I turned on the car and I backed out of the driveway and down the road the the movie theaters I had went with my girlfriend earlier that day.

"I'm really surprised to see you living by yourself at such a young age," Ohm said and I raised my eyebrow.

"You still lived with your parents at 21," I said and he looks away.

"Actually I uhhh lived with friends," Ohm said looking out the window.

"See don't reprimand me about living out on my own," I said and Ohm doesn't say anything.

When I looked him over I could see that he was deep lost in concentration. I couldn't really tell since he still has the mask on but he was just looking out the window. I didn't know if I had said something to make him like this but I just looked foreword and continued to drive.

"So uh Ohm did you go to college," I asked and he blinks.

"Yeah I graduated with high honors in 2013," he says smiling at me.

"Oh that's cool. I haven't thought about attending college since I graduated from Highschool," I admitted and he chuckles.

"It's fine I didn't start going until I was 26," Ohm said making my eyes widen.

"Wow I guess you did take those years off from the break," I joked and his lips go into a thin line.

"You can say that," Ohm said and it had just gone awkward again.

Why am I such an awkward person to hang around with. I need to learn context clues on certain things I can talk about. So for Ohm, he doesn't like to talk about family or his past. Maybe he's just thinking of a future?

"Ah anyways why do you want to see Sausage Party so much," I said and his smile came back like what had happened didn't even happen.

"Because I love my sausage so why wouldn't I want to see a movie about a Sausage Party," Ohm said like it was the most obvious thing.

"Forget that I asked," I said and he laughs.

"Anyways we're here," I said as I drove into the parking lot.

"Finally it felt like foreveeeeer," Ohm said as I parked the car.

"Whatever Ohm, you can pay for your own movie ticket if you feel like it," I teased and he gasps.

"I promise I'll behave," Ohm said as he pouted with his upper lip. Maybe if he didn't have the mask it would show him begging.

"Alright let's go," I said and we went to see the movie.

I really do hope they don't recognize me since I've been here before.

You guys waited for 20 days before I update and I give you something small. Sorry I've been updating other things and this kept getting pushed back. So I hope oh enjoyed what I've put out

With lots of love 💛


Brofish 👊🐟

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