Excidium Control

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Chapter Forty Two

Mason's POV

I struggled against the restrainments, my eyes slowly opening, stinging as they met bright lights.

"Mason?" I heard a faint, echoy voice say my name, making me groan, tilting my head on the soft pillow that was covered with Rae's scent.

My arm pulled up, but was tugged back down. My eyes shot open, abruptly sitting up, only to be hit with pain attacking my sides. Hands placed themselves against my chest, pushing me back down. Looking around, I saw that I was in the pack hospice, one specially built for me when I go dangerous.


"Where's Rae!" I shouted, sitting back up, ignoring the pain and the restraints.

"Mason, please. Lay back down, you aren't completely healed." I focused on the voice, recognising it as my mother.

"Where's Rae, Mum." I asked, staring at her puffy red eyes, making her look like she had been crying.

My mother struggled to find the right words to say, looking anywhere but me.

"No... I didn't do enough!" I growled, trying to break from the cuff that wrapped around my wrists.

"Mason, you did everything you could." My mother spoke, resting her hand on my forehead. "Your father has men searching everywhere for her."

"I could've saved her. I should've said no to that walk!"

"You weren't to know she would be captured by Blake. He is a creature of many powers, you couldn't have done anymore than you could."

Pain ran through my chest, making a low growl leave my chest.

"He's part vampire." Mum whispered before removing a bandage from around my forearm, showing three scars traveling downwards. "He got you twice. If it was a third, you could've been dead."

"Has Dad found anything on Rae."

Mum looked away, shaking her head slowly, "Only that she's still in our territory. If she wasn't, we would've felt it." She reached down, her hand moving towards the cuffs. "Are you calm?" I slowly nodded, breathing a sigh of relief as the chains broke from around my wrists.

"I want to see Dad."

"Mason, you're not fully healed yet."

"I don't care. Rae's my mate, I lost her and I want to find her. She's everything to me." I looked at my Mum, watching the conflict in her orbs before she slowly nodded.

"But you can't away from here for long, you need to come back to restore your energy."

Rae's POV

*The thirteen year old me laughed, chasing Mason's wolf through the forest. 'Give it up Rae, you can't catch me.' He spoke through the link, amusement in his voice.

"Oh yeah?" I raised an eyebrow, shifting into my dark grey wolf, sprinting faster towards him. A sudden burst of energy flew through me, making my senses heighten and me speed fasten. My tail wagged as I leapt into the air, trapping Mason like prey. A playful growl came from him as he rolled under me, flipping me off.

I shifted back, clicking my fingers and pointing at him, "Too slow."

The energy was still there within me, wanting to lose control and run around like crazy. Mason's wolf head tilted to the side before he shifted, frowning at me. I raised an eyebrow, "What?"

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