Part 1: That wasn't very subtle

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Necrosse sat hunched over a small metal table, glowering down at what was supposed to be a military meal. Rather than the exquisite ojingoe between two flatbread slices, they instead had what appeared to be just plain grey mush. Necrosse let out an exhale that fogged the front of his ski mask over his eyes. Covering his entire body head to toe was a skin-tight silver suit with black stripes covering his arms and legs; a large pin stripe "N" spreading across his chest. He grasped a nearby fork with his long, thin, fingers, and scooped a small portion of the grey mush into his mouth. He recoiled at it's pungent flavour of soggy newspaper.

A sudden whistle from behind him perked him up. Necrosse turned around and looked around the Vularkian Squad Base Cafe that he was currently stationed in. Several high ranking Vularkians that looked similar to Necrosse with their silver suits lined the room, obtaining the same grey mess of a meal. The entire room was quite clean, being that no one had the bravery to make a mess in the first place. The walls were dull chrome colored and were lined with wires in various areas that raced into the ceiling. The chairs hovered above the grey floor using soul energy as fuel as were with the tables. As Necrosse turned back to the table, he noticed a pristine white envelope with a golden S on the front fold.

Necrosse.We need to discuss matters regarding the humans.Come to my office , alone.-Sencrosse

Necrosse jumped up from the table and briskly walked out of the cafe, only to see a white figure wearing a brown cape trying to run away from him as silently as possible. Necrosse cleared his throat, causing the other to perk up and turn around, revealing his large, red, eyes. Unlike Necrosse, this one's face visible through the skin tight suit he wore, showing off his eyes and pale, grey skin.

"At least give me time to get back to my office." He said, straitening his posture. Necrosse chuckled and walked up to the other's side.

"So, captain, what do you have for me?" Necrosse asked. Sencrosse turned away with his arms folded, his cape just swishing against Necrosse.

"Not here. This is a certain mission that requires us to be in private." Necrosse stepped around Sencrosse to face him again.

"As you wish, captain." Necrosse said, motioning for Sencrosse to lead. Sencrosse guided him into a room that had it's lights turned off. Inside was a large monitor with a pale blue screen stationed on a large desk. The room was slightly cramped with a pair of shelves on each side. Sencrosse led him into the room and sat him at the desk, facing the monitor. As Sencrosse closed the door, and brought out a file.

"Alright Necrosse, I have some very important tasks for you." Sencrosse announced.

"Alright then. Let's hear it." Sencrosse tossed the file onto the Necrosse's lap, to which a single piece of paper slipped out. Necrosse leaned over the chair and picked it up, reading it to himself.

"Your mission is to go to Earth and release a bio weapon upon the fauna there."

"Yes sir." Necrosse replied obediently. "If you don't mind, captain, what is the purpose of this mission?"

"This bio weapon, if you can call it that, allows us to test the cognitive development in the Earth inhabitants, mainly the humans and ementals."

"Understood. When do I depart?" Sencrosse shook his head.

"Not yet. I need to brief you on another mission, as you will be going to Earth with two goals." Necrosse turned towards Sencrosse. Even though Sencrosse was shorter than Necrosse, his 6 ears that drooped behind his head showed his dominance over Necrosse. Sencrosse picked the file up from Necrosse's lap and set it on the desk, pulling out sheet of paper. On it, alongside the wall of text, was a image of a small humanoid creature with feline qualities.

"Are you familiar with the Tale of Excalibur?" Sencrosse asked. Necrosse shook his head.


"During your trip to Earth, I want you to familiarize yourself with it. You'll find it on the shelf there. Upon arriving, I want you to locate, awaken, and bring him here. Make sure he is unable to escape. I want you to keep the concept of 'aliens' to a minimum, if that, for the earthlings." Sencrosse pointed to a thin book that almost resembled a children's book. Next to it was also a white mask with a woman's face imprinted on it.

"Yes sir." Necrosse said. "Is that all?" He asked. Sencrosse nodded and opened the door behind them. The light from the hallway beamed into the room, Necrosse shielded his mask from it. Sencrosse began to exit when Necrosse stopped him just outside the door way.

"Captain, you neglected to tell me when I depart." He asked. Sencrosse turned to him, he was still inside the briefing room.

"Immediately." Necrosse's mouth opened slightly when the doors to the office suddenly slammed shut, separating the two. Necrosse jumped back.

"Captain what is the meaning of this!?" He exclaimed. Sencrosse saluted him from the other side of the window. Suddenly, an automated voice rang out."

Course set for: Earth." Necrosse turned around and noticed the desk had vanished and was placed by a control panel for a space pod. Necrosse glanced back to the door-way and noticed that Sencrosse was now just a small speck, as he had been ejected from the main base. Necrosse let out a sigh and sat down in the cock-pit.

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