Part 31: Aliens night out

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Necrosse sat across a round metal table from Zaneth. They were both at a restaurant in a very fancy looking town. It was fairly quiet and very peaceful. They were sitting in an outside seating area that was blocked in by a small, black, metal gate. Zaneth held a menu up to his face and stared at it intently.

"The food here is so strange..." He muttered. Necrosse, who was also looking intently at the menu nodded.

"Yeah, it's nothing like the cuisine on Vularkia. What is this, Spicy Chicken?" He asked a waiter that just passed by. She was blond and wearing a black and white maid outfit. She gave Necrosse a confused look.

"It's... spicy chicken." She replied. Necrosse slumped in his metal chair and groaned.

"Okay, but, what is Spicy Chicken?" He said. The waiter roller her eyes.

"It's fried bird meat with herbs."

"Oh! Why didn't you say that before?" Necrosse replied. The waiter slapped herself. "My associate and I will have that." The waiter pulled a small booklet out and scribbled some words down on it.

"Do you want hot sauce with that?" She asked. Necrosse and Zaneth exchanged looks.

"Uh, sure!" Necrosse said. The waiter nodded and left to the kitchen.

"I didn't think that humans heated their dipping sauce." Zaneth remarked. Necrosse nodded in awe.

"Yeah, it's definitely strange." Necrosse said. Zaneth suddenly tapped Necrosse's foot with his own. Necrosse smirked slightly and smacked Zaneth's foot. The two of them then got into a very heated foot fight.

"Ow! Hey don't hit so hard!" Zaneth yelped. Necrosse laughed.

"It pays to have metal toed shoes in this suit doesn't it!" He said. The two of them continued duking it out when the waiter suddenly came back with a tray in hand. On it were two cream colored plates with a medium sized pile of fried chicken strips. Each of them had a red tint to them. She set both plates down on the table in front of the two aliens and then placed two small dishes with a clear, red sauce in it next to the plates. Necrosse picked the dish up and examined it.

"What's this?" He asked.

"It's hot sauce." The waiter replied. Necrosse brought his nose close to the dish and wiggled it.

"Don't be silly, it's only ten degrees celsius. That's not hot at all." The waiter rolled her eyes and chuckled.

"You're very funny." She said as she walked away. Necrosse picked a chicken strip and brought it to his mask.

"This is definitely a strange way to serve bird meat." He said, dipping it into the hot sauce. Instead of just dipping it once, he literally dunked it to the point where there was a massive glob of hot sauce on the chicken strip. He then shoved the whole thing into his gaping, toothy mouth. Zaneth watched intently as Necrosse chewed.

"So...?" Zaneth asked. Necrosse swallowed with a loud gulp.

"It's actually pretty good, it's almost as good as--" He abuptly stopped. Zaneth gave Necrosse a confused look.

"What's wrong?" He asked. Necrosse's mouth dropped with his large forked tongue hanging out. The chewed up chicken fell onto the table from his mouth. He was panting loudly.

"My mouth's temperature suddenly skyrocketed." He said, panting harder. His mouth was fully open, exposing all his massive needle-like teeth. Zaneth panicked and shut Necrosse's mouth.

"Don't let people see that! That last thing we want people to know is that you're not from here." He scolded. Necrosse nodded in agony. Zaneth stood up and quickly brought Necrosse several glasses of ice water from a bar that was inside the building. Necrosse took each one and emptied it into his burning mouth.

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