Part 4: A wild Ken appears

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Danny emerged from Ken's attack as his flames bounced harmlessly off the protective barrier that covered his body. Danny grabbed Ken's hand and squeezed it shut, cutting off the attack and causing several small cracks to appear on Ken's barrier. With a single, swift, motion, Danny pulled Ken towards him and thrust his knee into his stomach. He then followed up with a upwards punch, hitting Ken's face and then a kick into his stomach. Ken stumbled back onto the ground, several cracks formed on his stomach and face. Ken stood up and wiped his mouth. An impressed grin adorning his face. He flashed Danny and thumbs up, and then positioned himself for another attack. Danny took a step back and motioned for Ken to make the next move. A gust of wind suddenly blew over the field, kicking up the sand and obscuring Danny's vision. In an instant, Ken jumped forward, and in a forceful manner, threw a small fireball at Danny. Unable to see, Ken's attack easily hit Danny's chest and exploded violently, sending Danny several feet backwards. Danny emerged from the smoke that surrounded him and let out an exhasperated exclamation. He then took his blue T-shirt off and flexed his, scrawny, muscle-devoid body. Electricity crackled all over his chest and seemed to create a sort of aura around him.
"Time for the super-Danny-slam-house!" He shouted cockily. Ken scoffed as Danny started running straight at Ken. Before Danny could launch any sort of attack, Ken delivered a single, fire-chargted, uppercut, into Danny's jaw, causing him to recoil back into the ground and break his barrier. The fight was over.
Izzi rushed over to Danny's aid from the side-lines and pushed him till he was upright.
"You really need to stop doing that." Ken remarked.
"You really need to shut up." Danny snorted as he dusted himself off and retrieved his shirt. Ken rolled his eyes and walked off the field. Izzi quickly flew up onto Danny's head as he ran over to Ken, his shirt put on backwards.
"So about this tournament?" He asked.
"It's just a local one. But it's something to prepare us for nationals."
"Really...?" Danny said, his arms crossed. "And how do you plan to go there? You don't have a partner."
"Izzi will alternate between us." Ken said, booping Izzi's nose. Izzi revolted backwards and bit him.
"No thanks." She said. Danny laughed and cradled her in his arms with his hand resting on her stomach.
"Well, Ken, it looks like you'll need to go on some blind dates." Danny snickered.

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