Part 6: Oh boy...

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Necrosse straightened himself up, looking down in the Colosseum.

"This should be a good place to begin the mission." He said to himself. Suddenly, two guards appeared on the Colosseum walls near Necrosse. Both were wearing thick armor and were quite muscly.

"Sir we're going to have to ask you to leave." Necrosse frowned.

"You know, I thought it was going to be difficult to start this off. If only I had known that Earthlings were so arrogant." He threw the mask at the guard, which immediately clung to the guards face. The guard screamed and clawed at the mask, but to no avail. He then fell completely silent and was left convulsing on the ground. The other guard looked in horror at the first, and then at Necrosse with an angry expression. Without saying anything he pulled a gun from his hip, however, before he could point it at Necrosse, the first guard grabbed the other's hand and pinned him to the ground. The first guards skin had turned grey with the mask having appeared to fuse with his skin. His eyes had turned black with red iris' and he was left with a pursed smile.

"Ah, darling, so good to work with you." The first guard said, his tone having a slight lisp. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Zaneth, harbinger of the Hellific." The second guard gave Zaneth a confused expression.


"Hey, Zaneth, up here." Necrosse said. Zaneth peered up and gazed at Necrosse.

"Oh, my mistake. What would you like to do with this man?"

"Just infect him, and then we can kick this mission off."

"Roger that darling." Zaneth said, pressing his fingers on the guard, and then pointing his other first and forefinger to the center of the Colosseum. A large white pulse of radiation shot from them, and struck the very center of the inner arena, leaving behind a massive white mask. After a brief delay, the mask seemed to come alive, as several scaly limbs protruded from behind it until it stood high over the humans as a large, black, dragon wearing a feminine mask. Danny, Ken and Izzi stood in the entrance to the field with stunned expressions to the monster before them.

"Well, this is quite an interesting occurrence, wouldn't you say my ginger friend?" Danny remarked. Ken glared at him, then rolled his eyes.

"Maybe it's some sort of special effects." He replied. The dragon let out a loud roar and spewed a cloud of black gas. Danny and Ken peered out the entrance and saw several people gagging and falling to the ground. 

"I'm out." Danny said.

"Right behind you." Both Danny and Ken, with Izzi sitting on Danny's head, ran out of the Colosseum. Necrosse and Zaneth watched as several guards surrounded the dragon.

"Zaneth, take us into the air. I don't want to run the risk of getting apprehended."

"Yes, darling." Zaneth snapped his fingers. Two large wings erupted from the dragon's back and started to flap powerfully, causing the guards to be blown away. Necrosse and Zaneth hopped onto the dragon and flew off into the distance, leaving behind a large black cloud. While in the air, Necrosse approached Zaneth and tapped his shoulder.

"Yes?" Zaneth asked.

"Just need to do a sensory check up to see if you're operational." Necrosse said. Zaneth flirtingly rolled his eyes.

"What an amazing time to do that." He said, sarcastically. "But go ahead, do your test."

"Are you able to hear me say this sentence?"

"I read you loud and clear, princess."

"Eye sight?"

"I must say, you have impeccable pecks." Necrosse frowned and looked at his chest, contrary to what Zaneth said, he did not have pecks.




"I'm not sure. Want me to test it?" Zaneth asked, reaching for Necrosse, who swatted his large hands away.

"A-alright you're fine." Necrosse muttered, walking away.

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