Part 34: The Hellific's New Groove

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"What do you mean we can't stay!?" Danny exclaimed in the courthouse. Him and the others were in Cryoria begging the mayor to allow them to stay in Cryoria. The courtroom looked very old and chilly. The wood had a stale color to it and was cracked in some areas. However, it was still quite warm in the building.

"I mean, you cannot stay in our town. We're already low on resources as is. We can't feed 3 additional mouths, including 2 growing boys, one of which being an electromancer." Danny let out a loud groan and turned to Sui, who was standing behind them innocently.

"Sui, can't you say anything!?" Danny asked. Sui shook his head.

"He gives a very strong point." Danny's jaw dropped agape. The mayor suddenly interjected between Sui and Danny.

"We can allow you to stay a day to gather your supplies for your descent." Static crackled in Danny's hands in anger.

"You're just going to send us back down into that hell!?" The mayor raised and eyebrow and looked over to Sui.

"What's he talking about?" Danny opened his mouth to answer him, but Sui clamped his lips shut and froze them. Danny covered his mouth and screamed in agony from the ice that had fused his lips. Ken held his hand up to Danny's face, warming him from Sui's attack.

"I'll tell you later. First we need to address this problem here." Sui replied. The mayor nodded and faced Danny, Ken and Izzi.

"I expect you 3 to be gone by tomorrow noon. If you aren't..." The mayor turned to Sui with a cold stare. To which Sui nodded solemnly.

"I'll get rid of them myself." Sui said. Danny stared at him with a stunned expression.

"You guys are insane..." Danny muttered.

"So, Zaneth. Take your pick." Necrosse said, presenting Zaneth to a clothing store. In front of them was a large display with manikins wearing fancy looking clothes. Zaneth examined the clothing and looked back at Necrosse.

"Shouldn't we get a new body for me first?" He asked. Necrosse smiled sheepishly.

"You'll get to try several different bodies on while you're picking out your new style." Zaneth's dark face lit of with joy.

"You're an amazing captain." He said as he ran towards Necrosse to hug him. Necrosse immediately thrust his fist into Zaneth's face, stopping him dead in his tracks.

"None of that!" He exclaimed.

Necrosse and Zaneth casually strolled through the glass doors and into the clothing store. The inside had white tiles and was brightly lit, giving off a white contrast that slightly strained their eyes. Dotting the entire store were lines of various types of clothing as well as several models wearing different outfits. Zaneth immediately picked up several black, Gothic looking clothing and rushed to the fitting rooms. Meanwhile, Necrosse scanned the store for a new body. In the back corner was a boy around his late teens or early twenties. He was wearing pants with various torn holes and had long black hair. His face looked soft, despite his tall stature. His body was quite slim and tall. Necrosse grinned and approached the boy.

"Hello there, can I help you with anything?" Necrosse asked, trying to act like an employee. The boy turned to Necrosse, his eyes were black and shone slightly in the light.

"Oh, uh no thanks. I'm okay right now." He replied. His voice was smooth and had a slight metallic sound to it. If anything, he sounded like he could woo a pack of women by singing. Necrosse clapped his hands together.

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