Part 39: Alien Technology

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Running into town, away from the Hellific, Danny, Ken and Leela did their best to avoid small groups of Hellific and stay on a stone path that weaved throughout the entire town. After a couple minutes, the group stopped near a stone building to rest. Danny plopped down onto the ground with his back to the wall and let out a loud sigh.

"So, where are we going?" Danny asked, pulling Izzi off his head and putting her on his lap. Ken pulled the scroll he received from the priest out of his duffel bag and spread it out.

"I have no idea." He said, staring at the scroll in confusion. He sat down and laid the scroll out onto the grass. Danny and Leela scooted closer and looked it over.

"From what I can tell, the stone is in a lake." Ken continued. Leela thought for a few seconds.

"I think there is a lake close by, but I can't guarantee it's the same as this one." She said. Ken rolled the scroll up and put it back in his bag.

"Well I guess it's a start." He said. Danny and Leela stood up, with Danny holding Izzi to his stomach. "Lead the way."

Watching above Danny, Ken and a new girl that looked to be 10 years old, Necrosse and Zaneth lied on their stomachs on the roof of a stone building.

"I didn't see any lake around this area..." Zaneth whispered. Necrosse adjusted himself in place.

"I did." Necrosse muttered. Zaneth turned to Necrosse and brushed his hair out of his face.

"So, what's the plan? Do we follow them?" He asked. Necrosse turned onto his side.

"No. We should let them have the stone. I have a plan to get them all from those kids at once. First we need to work on getting Excalibur's tomb as well as dealing with Sui."

As soon as Danny and the others were gone, Necrosse and Zaneth stood up from their spots and stretched their limbs.

"So, Zaneth, tell me about this monstrous Hellific that you hid in the bathroom." Necrosse said.

"It's an intelligent Hellific. However, there was a fault in it's programming and needs to hear a humans scream before it can tap into it's actual behavior."

Necrosse crossed his arms and gave Zaneth a stern expression.

"That makes no sense. Why does it need to hear a human scream?"

"Because. Alien technology." Zaneth replied.

"Couldn't you just fix the fault so it could operate normally?" Zaneth shook his head.

"It doesn't work like that."

"Then how does it work?" Necrosse asked angrily.

"See, what you want to do, is put the mask near someone, and make them scream." Necrosse groaned.

"Fine. Let's do it, but first, Sui."

A few hours later, Necrosse and Zaneth landed on the snowy mountain-side of Cryoria with the Hellific Dragon. The eternal blizzard pounded against them, like it always did, accumulating frost on Necrosse's suit.

"Alright, start digging." Necrosse ordered. Zaneth and the Dragon both stared at him.

"You're not going to help?" Zaneth asked sternly. Necrosse held his hands up.

"You two are much more fit for digging. Now chop chop, I don't want Sui to get here and--"

"Stop you?" Sui said, interrupting Necrosse's sentence. Necrosse spun around to face Sui, who was standing only a few inches from behind him.

"Stop doing that!" He exclaimed. Sui chuckled.

"I'd rather you not dig up Excalibur." Sui said coldly. Necrosse clenched his needle-like teeth.

"I'd rather you just get out of our hair and let us do our jobs." Necrosse said. Sui stepped even closer to Necrosse.

"Make me." He said. Necrosse pulled a Hellific mask from behind him and thrust it at Sui's face. Sui easily caught Necrosse's attack and clenched the alien's wrist tightly. So tightly that he was forced to drop the mask into the snow.

"How are you so fast?" Necrosse said, he was in obvious pain from Sui's grip.

"Did you think that a simple attack like that would hit me?" Sui asked tauntingly. Suddenly, another copy Zaneth appeared behind Sui and slapped a Hellific mask onto his face.

"No, but everyone has to fall for a sneak attack at some point." He said as the other Zaneth behind Necrosse faded into a black mist and turned back into an ordinary Hellific mask, then fell into the snow.

Sui clenched at his face, but it was too late. His body turned black and the mask fused onto his face. Sui, as a Hellific, stood up straight and let out a low moan. Necrosse took his hand and flicked Sui's forehead, knocking him into the snow.

"Now we can do as we like." Necrosse said. "And there is nothing you can do to stop us."

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