Part 10: The outside world

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The entire house shook as the roar echoed through the halls. Danny, Ken and Izzi covered their. Suddenly, in the midst of the chaos, the front door burst open. Necrosse stood in the doorway with a scowl on his face and a Hellific mask in hand. Zaneth then appeared next to him.

"Zaneth, I swear to god, this better be worth it." Necrosse said.

"Leave no survivers, as you might say." He replied. Necrosse grasped the mask and pointed it at Ken, who had just taken notice.

"Morning sunshine" Ken remarked. Necrosse briskly approached Ken and grabbed his neck. He then placed the mask on Ken's face. Ken started screaming behind the mask and shaking violently. Necrosse threw him to the ground and walked back towards the door way. 

They then vanished to the sound of a massive gust hitting the house.

Ken continued shaking on the ground, his arms flailing in every direction. However, after a few seconds, Ken went limp and stopped screaming. Danny slowly crawled to Ken and poked his arm, and to their disbelief, Ken jolted up and tore the mask off his face. Ken sat on the floor, gasping heavily.

"Technical difficulties?" Danny asked. Ken shook his head and wiped his forehead of the sweat dripping down.

"I don't know... I guess it didn't like me." The three of them sat in utter silence, the shock of almost becoming infected rendered them motionless and scared. Suddenly, Danny broke the silence.

"So, are we going to head out now?" Ken and Izzi glanced at him.

"I guess, but we need to make a rule. If we see a Hellific, we need to knock it out. Just to be safe." Ken said. Danny and Izzi nodded. "Neither of you are to hesitate on using magic." Ken stood up and slung his backpack over his shoulder.

Necrosse leaned against one of the spikes on the Hellific Dragon, Zaneth was right next to him.

"That wasn't very professional." Necrosse said. Zaneth rolled his eyes.

"I still think you should have infected the other two."

"Just one of them is okay." 

Danny and Ken walked down a trail leading out of their hometown. Trees dotted the entire area, but in a lush way. Everything seemed so peaceful and happy. The birds were chirping, the bees were buzzing and mosquitos were constantly biting at Danny's neck.

"I hate nature..." Danny uttered as he swatted another mosquito on his neck.

"I wonder why the mosquitos aren't paying any attention to Izzi or I. All the ones I've seen went for you." Ken said. Izzi sat up and turned to Ken.

"Maybe they're attracted to Danny's crusty neck." Danny whipped his head forward, catapulting Izzi onto the dirt trail.

"The nerve, I'll have you know I lotion this beauty every day just for you." Izzi jumped up and flew towards Danny's face, swatting him with her tail. Ken suddenly stopped them.

"Hellific, dead ahead." Danny and Izzi turned and saw a Hellific running towards them with arms outstretched. Danny stepped forward.

"I got this one." He said as electricity crackled in his hands. With a swish of his hand, several bolts of lightning struck the Hellific, knocking it back several feet and severely cracking it's mask. The three of them approached the Hellific, who lay sprawled on the ground.

"I hope the people inside can't feel pain." Ken said as they briskly walked past it.

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