Part 15: I don't know, this is pretty messed up

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  Danny squirmed in his sleep. He could feel a heavy lump on his chest, crushing him. His body began to heat up to the point where he was sweating. He kicked at the blankets, trying to cool himself, and then awoke to the face of a little girl, staring at him not to 2 inches from his face. Danny raised an eyebrow.

"Did something happen yesterday? Because I'm pretty sure I have better game than this."

"You should think happy things before you sleep." The little girl said. Danny raised his eyebrow even higher.

"I should probably think why there's a girl lying on my chest, but you don't see me doing that."

"You were having a nightmare. Thinking happy things makes it so you don't have nightmares."
Danny let out a mockingly gasp.

"I was having a nightmare! You were in it. Get off."

The little girl did as she was told, and rolled to Danny's side, but she didn't stop looking at him. After a brief pause, Danny turned to her with a blank expression.

"There wasn't a party last night was there?" He asked monotonously. The girl shook her head.

"We aren't allowd to have parties here."

"We?" Danny repeated. Suddenly, the manliest scream echoed from the other side of the room. Ken had awoken and noticed that there was a little boy under his blankets, curled up right in front of him. Danny's face lit up. "Ken, you didn't tell me you were pregnant! I've always wanted to be a father!" Ken glared over at Danny with a confused expression.

Danny laughed and climbed out of bed, leaving Izzi behind on the pillow. She was still asleep.

"It's a Christmas miracle!" Danny said. Ken shoved the boy out of his bed and sat up.

"What is going on!?" He exclaimed.

"You were sleeping in our beds." The boy said.

"Our? But we rented these beds!" Ken replied.

"This happens a lot. You should probably talk to the nanny." The little girl chimed in from behind Danny. Both teens glared at her with even more confused expressions. Danny then inhaled and turned back to Ken.

"Ken, you should probably shoot for another hour of your beauty sleep. I'm going to go see what's up."

Ken rolled his eyes and lied back into his bed. Danny walked out of the room and into a hallway that led back to the dining room. At the bar, the man from yesterday was still there, cleaning a beer-stein. Danny approached the bar and placed his hands firmly on the counter.

"There are kids in our room." He said, trying, and failing, to sound professional.

"Ye? What ov' it?" He said.

"Alright bub, what did you put in my drink!?" Danny exclaimed, even though he didn't drink anything last night. Suddenly, a neatly dressed woman with dark hair appeared behind the bartender. She looked very sweet, and was also wearing an apron stained with alcohol.

"I'll handle this." She said, glaring at the bartender, who slunked out of sight. "Sorry about that. He can be a bit of a hassle. What can I do for you?"

"Why are there children sleeping with us?" Danny asked, still trying to sound professional.

"We're sorry. Our money has been tight recently. It's been like this for everyone. Some people even started abandoning their children here. It's not all bad, since the Sandibar government gives us child support funds because of us suddenly becoming an orphanage."
Danny scratched his turquoise hair.

"That's pretty messed up, even by my standards." Suddenly, the two doors behind them burst open, letting in a frigid wave sweep through the room. A man stepped in, wearing a blue robe and sweatpants. On his head was a umbrella-like hat, and his white hair was tied down in a ponytail. His eyes were an icy blue color. That alone gave Danny goosebumps. He swiftly approached the bar, and folded his arms on the table. His skin was pale.

"Hello, miss." He said, his voice was crisp and cool. His expression was relatively nice, and calmed Danny slightly.

"Good morning sir. What can I get for you?"

"This is an orphanage correct? I would like to adopt everyone here." Both Danny and the woman gave him an astonished expression. 

"I can find each child here a new home, as a bar isn't where children should be raised. If you could have them pack their belongings, I can make this trip much faster."

The woman exhaled sheepishly and smiled.

"Sure, do you have your ID on you?" Before she finished her sentence, the man had already placed his ID on the table.

His name was Sui, and his last name was too blurry to read.

"They may take their time. I'm a patient man." He said. Sui turned to Danny briefly, but then locked onto the room Danny had came from. In the blink of an eye, he vanished, followed by a gust of wind blowing Danny in the direction of his room.

Inside, Sui loomed over Izzi, taking notice of the emental stone in her hands. He stretched his hand out, only to feel a hot hand grasp his shoulder. Sui turned around and saw Ken glaring at him.

"What are you doing?" He asked. Sui looked at Izzi, and then back to Ken.

"Is this your emental?"

"No. Answer my question, now."

"Due to recent events, I need this stone." Sui said swiftly. Ken shook his head.

"Not a chance." Sui grabbed Ken's wrist. It sizzled in Sui's cold grip.

"What is going on is none of your concern. But I must confiscate this item."

"So you're going to steal it? What a role model you'll be for the children you're going to adopt." Ken said sternly. Sui remained silent, and then released Ken.

"Fair enough. Just keep it to yourself though." Sui then vanished from the room, and reappeared in the dining hall next to Danny.

"You have a nice chat?" Danny asked nervously. Sui glared at Danny.

"You must be the emental's partner. I advise you to hold onto that stone."
Danny gave a nervous thumbs up and then returned to the room.

"So does anyone want to tell me what just happened?" Ken said. Danny ruffled Ken's orange hair.

"You don't need to worry your cute ginger face, Ken." Danny was met with Ken's hand, slapping him across the face.

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